Saturday, January 21, 2012

Herbal treatment for gallstones

Types of herbal / medicinal plants that can be used for herbal treatment for gallstones have properties such as gallbladder stones helped destroy, anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory), helps relieve pain (analgesic), lower the heat (antipyretic). 
Herbal treatment for gallstones 

Several types of herbs that can be used for herbal treatment for gallstones include: 
1. KEJIBELING (Strobilanthes crispus Bl.) 
2. Cats Whisker (Orthosiphon aristatus Miq.) 
3. Spoon leaves (Plantago major L.) 
4. Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L.) 
5. Bitter (Andrographis paniculata Nees.) 
6. Cobs and corn (Zea mays L.) 
7. Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) 
8. Borreria hispida Schum

Here are some examples of herbal recipes that can be used to assist herbal treatment for gallstones
Recipes herbal treatment for gallstones 1. 
KEJIBELING 30 grams of fresh leaves, fresh violet leaves 15 grams, 100 grams of corn. Washed and boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc. Then filtered, water is taken 2 times a day. 

Recipe herbal treatment for gallstones 2. 
30 grams of dried leaves cat whiskers or 60 grams of fresh, 7 corn cobs are no seeds, 30 grams of saffron (cut into pieces). Washed and boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc. then filtered, water is taken 2 times a day. 

Recipe herbal treatment for gallstones 3. 
Tempuyung 30 grams of fresh leaves, 30 grams of fresh leaf scoop, and 15 grams of fresh bitter leaves, boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc. then filtered, water is taken 2 times a day, every time you drink 200 cc. 

- Select a recipe and do regularly. Advised to keep consulting a doctor. 
- To use the boiling pot soil, enamel pan or Pyrex pan. 
- If using the material / dried herb to use half of the fresh material (eg, 30 grams of fresh leaves spoon scoop = 15 grams of dried leaves)