Sunday, January 1, 2012

Benefits Herbs Tomato ( 1 )

Tomato a seasonal herbs, trunked weak and wet. The leaves are triangular. The flowers are yellow. The fruit is green when young and yellow or red when old. Seedy, flat round-shaped, white or cream, hairy seed coat. Propagation by seed is sometimes by stem cuttings that have older branches. 
Benefits Herbs Tomato

Tomato in general can be planted in the lowlands, medium, and high, depending on variety. However, most varieties of tomatoes are more satisfactory results when planted in the highlands are cool and dry because tomatoes can not stand the heat and rain. Optimum temperature for growth is 23 ° C in the daytime and 17 ° C at night. The desired soil is clay-textured soils that contain lots of sand. And, would be preferred if the soil contains humus, loose, nest, and well drained. 
The fruit is rich in lycopene, vitamin A, vitamin C, carbohydrates, sugars, proteins, fats, and water. 

Benefits herbs tomato:
Sunburn skin: Wash the fresh young leaves, and then milled until smooth. Apply to burned skin. 

Hemorrhoids: Boil some ripe tomatoes in coconut oil for about ten minutes, and then strain it with a cloth. Once cool, apply on the hemorrhoids. 

High blood pressure, red-eye: eating fresh tomatoes as much as 1-2 pieces in the morning, with an empty stomach. 

Bruising due to hit: Tim tomato juice plus ginger ale, and drink when cool. 

Appendicitis, jaundice: drinking tomato juice, three times a day, each one cup. Continue to consult with a physician. 

Pimple: Add 25 ml of alcohol 70% in tomato juice (100 ml), and shake evenly. Use this mixture to rub the face with acne. Do it 2-3 times a day.