Balsam-pear Efficacy |
Efficacy of herbal plants Balsam-pear:
Efficacy Fruit
1. Dysentery: Provide 2 Balsam-pear fresh fruit, wash and cut into pieces. Add a quarter cup water, then blended. Brewed and squeeze. Please drink 2 times a day.
2. Diabetes: Take 2 Balsam-pear fruit, wash and mash. Add half cup water. Stir and squeeze. Day as much as a potion to drink. Repeated for 2 weeks.
3. Breast enhancer: Take 1 piece of Balsam-pear wash, and then boil a few minutes. Used as a salad.
4. Boils: Balsam-pear fruit is used as an external medicine. Take a fresh fruit and then crushed. Stick to the ulcer.
5. Bronchitis: Provide 2-3 Balsam-pear fruit, and then taken the juice. Give 1 tablespoon honey. Drink once a day. Do it for 3 months. This recipe is also good for curing anaemia, stomach ulcers, heart pain, menstrual pain, rheumatism, and slimming.
Efficacy Leaves
1. Boils and pinworms: Provide 1 handful of fresh leaves, was given a quarter cup water, then blends. Strain with cheesecloth. If necessary, add a little salt, palm sugar, and lemon juice. Drink one quarter cup once a day. Do it for a week.
2. Childbed fever: Take 3 leaves Balsam-pear fresh, washed, and mash. Add a glass of water and a little salt, and then pour boiling. Squeeze and strain, then drink 2 times a day as much as half a glass.
3. Breast enhancer: Provide two-Balsam pear leaves and heat for a while. Compress the breast section.
4. Pain in the liver: Provide 6 grams of fresh leaves of Balsam-pear, 5 grams of ginger rhizome, and 110 ml of water. Boil all ingredients for 15 minutes, then strain with cheesecloth, and squeeze. Drink once a day. Repeat for 2 weeks.
5. Fertile Hair: Take some leaves of fresh Balsam-pear, wash and then knead. Simply applied to the scalp of children.
6. Cough: Pick 7 Balsam-pear fresh leaves, and then pour boiling water with 2 tablespoons water. After that, squeeze and strain. Drink 2 times a day.
7. Scars: Rinse a handful of fresh leaves of Balsam-pear, then mash. Add a little hot water, then squeeze. Mix the juice with 2 tablespoons of rice flour and stir until evenly distributed. Stick on the scar every day.
8. Haemorrhoids: Take 5 Balsam-pear leaves fresh, add a quarter cup of water, bring to a boil and squeeze. Take 3 tablespoons of the juice, then mixed with a glass of liquid yogurt. Drink every morning.
9. Infertility: Provide 27 grams juice of fresh leaves of Balsam-pear, 7 grains of black pepper, 3 cloves garlic, and 27 grams of sugar. All materials are crushed, then add a glass of clean water. Bring to a boil and squeeze. Drinking water every day for 3-4 months.
10. Skin diseases: Make a cup of juice Balsam-pear bitter melon leaves. Way, take 3 Balsam-pear leaves plus one-half cup of water. Bring to a boil and squeeze. Combine lemon juice with a spoonful of lemon juice. Drink once a day.
11. Myopic night: Sari Balsam-pear leaves smeared around the eyes.
Efficacy Roots
Dysentery Amoeba: Take a handful of Balsam-pear roots, add a glass of clean water. Bring to a boil and squeeze. Drink once a day.