Monday, December 7, 2015

Karakteristik semut Jepang

Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang bagaimana meningkatkan dan menumbuhkan semut Jepang atau kumbang Mekkah.
Dalam hal bentuk fisik lebih seperti kumbang dibandingkan dengan semut. Karakteristik semut Jepang pada umumnya adalah memiliki tubuh berwarna hitam kecoklatan, dan tekstur tubuh berkaki enam cenderung keras. Hewan ini memiliki sayap yang mirip dengan kumbang. Tapi semut Jepang tidak bisa terbang seperti serangga bersayap lainnya. Setelah berselancar di dunia maya untuk menemukan nama ilmiah semut Jepang. Akhirnya aku menemukan kecocokan dengan serangga bernama ilmiah Tenebrio Molitor. Disebut atau larva kutu beras dikenal sebagai ulat Hongkong. Meskipun memiliki kesamaan dengan tungau beras, tapi semut dan kutu beras Jepang sangat berbeda. Beras larva kutu lebih besar dari semut Jepang.

Khasiat dan Manfaat Semut Jepang:
• semut Jepang dapat menormalkan kadar kolesterol darah, terutama bagi orang yang memiliki kadar kolesterol cukup tinggi.
• semut Jepang dapat mengurangi bahkan mengobati penyakit jantung.
• semut Jepang dapat meringankan bahkan untuk mengobati asam urat, terutama bagi seseorang yang memiliki urat yang tinggi.
• semut Jepang dapat menstabilkan kadar gula darah, Cocok untuk orang yang terkena diabetes.
• semut Jepang dapat menstabilkan darah, terutama bagi orang yang terkena tekanan darah tinggi.
• semut Jepang dapat menambah Vitalitas pria dan wanita Jepang, Cocok untuk pekerja "wanita dan pria" yang memiliki aktivitas tinggi.

Cara mengkonsumsi Semut Jepang
Ada beberapa cara untuk makan semut Jepang yang diseduh dengan air atau dimasukkan ke dalam kapsul. Cara pertama untuk mengambil beberapa semut Jepang dimasukkan ke dalam gelas, kemudian masukkan air panas. Segera minum hangat lagi. Cara kedua untuk mengambil semut Jepang masuk ke dalam kapsul dan langsung dikonsumsi. Untuk cara kedua, disarankan untuk masuk semut ke dalam kapsul ketika malam sebelum dikonsumsi. Untuk beberapa kasus cara mengkonsumsi sebagai berikut:

Cara mengkonsumsi semut Jepang untuk obat diabetes
Untuk mengobati diabetes disarankan untuk mengkonsumsi satu semut dua kali sehari sampai gula darah Anda stabil.
Cara mengkonsumsi semut Jepang untuk obat asam urat
Untuk mengobati asam urat dua semut, dua kali sehari sampai sembuh asam urat.

Catatan: Sebelum Anda makan Semut Jepang mencoba untuk berkonsultasi dengan dokter sebelum, untuk mencegah hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.

Cara budidaya semut jepang
Sejak salah satu bapak asal Pasuruan memasuki TV karena budidaya semut Jepang. Semut sekarang ini dikenal sedikit. Untuk semut mengolah Jepang sangat mudah. Langkah selanjutnya - budidaya langkah:

1. Memberikan berlubang tabung plastik tutup. Ini berfungsi sebagai ventilasi udara sehingga semut tidak mati.
2. Memberikan katun yang cukup.
3. Memberikan ragi tape.
4. Yang paling penting adalah semut Jepang itu sendiri.
5. lubang Pertama di tutup toples plastik. Lalu masukkan kapas hingga ¾ dari tabung.
Cobalah untuk tidak terlalu padat. Kemudian masukkan semut Jepang dan ragi tape.
Dari 10 semut Jepang dapat berkembang biak menjadi sekitar 200an ekor dalam 2 bulan. Pengobatan ini maka Anda hanya memberi makan semut seminggu sekali dengan tiga butir ragi tape. Jika Anda ingin budidaya yang berkembang pesat saya sarankan untuk membeli bibit semut Jepang sekitar 200an ekor yang biasanya dijual untuk 200 ribu. Semut ini akan berkembang biak setelah tiga sampai empat minggu. Dan sebulan kemudian anak dari semut akan matang dan siap panen dengan harga mulai dari 2000 - 5000 per kepala, tergantung pada daerah dimana Anda tinggal. Selain mudah dalam budidaya semut Jepang sangat cepat dalam berkembang biak.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Safer With Mosquito Repellent Plants

Mosquito repellent typically contains an active ingredient called Diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET). This active ingredient is a chemical element that has the potential to negatively impact our health. For those of you who want an alternative, there is no harm in choosing mosquito repellent plants are friendlier to health.

Safer With Mosquito Repellent Plants

Plants such as citronella, lavender, lemon eucalyptus and catnip is believed to be a primary choice as a mosquito repellent plants. These plants do not kill mosquitoes, but the effect can reduce mosquito to human interaction. In other words, can prevent you from mosquito bites.

Mosquito repellent plants, More Natural than chemical Repellent Containing DEET
Mosquito repellent lotion or spray form is usually added substance DEET, with levels of up to 100 percent. On the one hand, these chemicals offer protection against mosquitoes for up to 12 hours, but on the other hand, the use of chemicals at risk of giving adverse effects on health. DEET can irritate the skin, even in some cases can cause severe skin reactions. There have been reports that this material may also cause insomnia, impaired cognitive function, and mood disorders, in people who are exposed to high doses of DEET.

Research shows that a lotion or spray insect repellent that contains DEET safe for small children over the age of two months until adulthood if levels of DEET was only 10-30 percent. Regarding the impact on children should be considered again.

From a variety of reasons, you may be interested to choose a way that more naturally repel mosquitoes, for example, with ingredients derived from plants.

Use Mosquito Repellent Plants
Here are plants that are believed to help repel mosquitoes:

Citronella has long been known as a mosquito repellent plants, and often referred to as citronella. Fresh fragrance for men, is not favoured by mosquitoes. You can plant citronella in the yard of the house to prevent the arrival of mosquitoes.
The shape that resembles grass height reaches 1.82 meters can be directly planted on the ground.

Flowers Chicken Droppings
The Latin name of this flower is Tagetes erecta. As the name implies, this flower has a smell less pleasant, but therein lies the advantage. This flower can avoid the mosquitoes are too close to your home environment.
It is advisable to plant flowers in the yard as chicken droppings planting other ornamental flowers. This interest was as a fence barrier that keeps mosquitoes away because it does not stand the smell.

A study revealed that cinnamon oil may eradicate the Aides aegypti mosquito larvae. Cinnamon oil is made from the leaves of cinnamon and contain a chemical compound called cinnamaldehyde. This is a powerful chemical compounds. With cinnamaldehyde levels less than 50 ppm, can eradicate half of the larvae of the mosquito that causes dengue fever. That is, this material helps eradicate the mosquito before growing up.

Oil of thyme extracts also are providing protection from mosquito bites, especially mosquitoes. It has been proved in a study. If you want to make your own spray mosquito repellent, try to mix 60 millilitres of water with five drops of thyme oil. Spray to the parts of the body or the places you want to avoid from mosquitoes.

Celery is not very popular as a mosquito repellent plants, but a clinical trial showed that celery extract useful as a mosquito repellent that is as effective as DEET levels of 25 percent. Until now there has been no drug companies were using mosquito repellent celery extract.

Which has been crushed lavender flowers will produce oil. Oils that are useful to repel mosquitoes. Apply the oil on the body so you avoid mosquito bites.

Catnip or Nepeta cataria is a plant which can be 'drugged' cats, so it behaves more active. However, mosquitoes, catnip is a plant that is feared. Plant a plant that looks like weeds in your yard to help repel mosquitoes that are around the house.

Lemon Eucalyptus
Used is in the form of oil, derived from the lemon eucalyptus plant. Oil of lemon eucalyptus can help prevent mosquito bites, and can work up to two hours.
This has a direct mosquito repellent can be purchased in the form of oil and you can immediately use. Because it is in the form of oil, this herb is usually containing DEET in low levels, which is only 6.65 percent, so it is safe to use.
Do not wrong when they want to buy. Choose oil of lemon eucalyptus are made as a mosquito repellent and not in the form of essential oils.

Soy can be processed into soybean oil. One of the properties of soybean oil is to avoid mosquito bites. In fact, soybean oil is considered more effective than citronella oil repel mosquitoes more famous. To better take advantage of it, you can mixing soybean oil with citronella oil. Research reveals that the mixture of the two is a powerful formula to eradicate more than one type of mosquito.

Mosquito repellent plants is indeed natural, but you also have to be careful to use it, especially if in the form of oil because there is a possibility you are allergic to these ingredients. As a precaution, try to apply a little earlier in the hand skin and let stand briefly. If no rash or irritation occurs, you are not allergic to the oils.