Benefits of Papaya for Health is important, especially to improve the human body's immune system. Lifestyle of today's urban society makes the body vulnerable to disease. Therefore, to maintain health, it is advisable to consume fruits and vegetables, such as papaya. Many studies have shown that increased consumption of plant foods such as papaya; reduce health risks, even supporting the skin's beauty as follows:
1. Anti-inflammatoryPapaya benefits for people with arthritis, osteoporosis, and edama can relieve pain due to anti-inflammatory enzymes contained in papaya. The enzyme also has properties to prevent cancer.
2. Strengthening the immune systemVitamin C and vitamin A, which is produced in the body. Compounds contained beta carotene in papaya, is needed to boost the immune system from the inside. Therefore, papaya may be a healthy fruit choice for preventing diseases such as infections, colds, flu and relieve fever.
3. Healthy bonesIf there is a shortage of vitamin K, it can be said that you are at high risk for having problems fracture. Therefore, you are strongly advised to consume papaya, that need vitamin K for bone health can be fulfilled. Because the action in altering the protein matrix of bone, increases calcium absorption and may reduce the excretion of calcium excretion.
4. Good for Diabetes PatientsIn one study has shown that people with type 1 diabetes who consume a high-fibre diet had higher levels of blood glucose and type 2 (diabetes) may increase blood sugar, lipid and insulin. With 1 medium papaya fruit, provides about 4.7 grams of fibre.
5. Prevent Heart DiseaseFibre, calcium and vitamins in the body papaya help in preventing heart disease. Increased intake of potassium, which is performed in conjunction with a decrease in sodium intake, a diet change, most importantly, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The content of the enzyme in papaya can also help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol that can reduce cholesterol and help prevent heart disease symptoms.
6. DigestionPapaya benefits that this one is not in doubt, if you hard CHAPTER, papaya solution. Contained in papaya digestive enzymes such as papain, which is useful in aiding digestion. In addition, it can also be useful to soften the meat. Papaya also contains fibre and high water content. Both of these nutrients, excellent in the prevention of constipation and promote bowel regularity, so that nourish the digestive tract.
7. Prevent Macular DegenerationEaxanthin antioxidant compounds found in papaya, filtering harmful blue light rays are expected, will play a role in eye health protective to ward off degeneration.
8. Accelerate Wound HealingWhen papaya is used topically by mashing the fruit, looks beneficial to promote wound healing and prevent infection of the burned skin area. The researchers believe that the proteolytic enzyme papain in papaya chymopapain and serves as an ointment. Ointments containing papain enzyme has also been used to treat decubitus ulcers or bedsores.
9. Prevention of AsthmaThe risk for developing asthma will be lower in people who consume a high amount of certain nutrients. One of these nutrients is beta carotene, which are contained in papaya. As also found in broccoli benefits, the benefits of melon, pumpkin and carrot benefits.
10. Reduce WeightExpert studies show in young papaya enzyme contained more than the ripe papaya. Enzyme in papaya has an impact on the reduction of protein, carbohydrate and fat in the body. The system becomes more optimal metabolism and also makes the burning of fat into energy is progressing well.