Monday, November 16, 2015

Cervical Cancer Vaccine, Before It's Too Late

Cervical cancer is largely caused by a virus transmitted through sexual intercourse, namely human papillomavirus (HPV). Cervical cancer vaccine is one way to prevent transmission of the virus.

HPV infection in women can cause the growth of abnormal cells in the cervix. In some women, the disorder can then develop into cervical cancer.

Cervical Cancer Vaccine

For women, the cervical cancer vaccine is recommended three doses in a three times usage. The first vaccine is given in adolescence that is 11-12 years, and then a second vaccine is given one or two months after the first vaccine. Then, a third vaccine are given 6 months after the first vaccine.

The third dose of the vaccine is believed to be the long-term protection from HPV infection. If during adolescence doses of the vaccine is not yet complete, it is better to consult a doctor for a complete dose of the vaccine.

Not only women, men can also benefit from the vaccine. For men, HPV can also cause genital warts, anal cancer and throat cancer, apart from cervical cancer.

Group of men recommended to obtain the HPV vaccine that men who have sex with men or who have immune disorders and aged 26 years or younger.

Type Vaccine
HPV virus has various types. About 40 percent of all types of HPV can cause infections in the genital area. In addition, certain types can lead to cervical cancer.

Side Effects
Side effects of HPV vaccination generally occurs temporarily and relatively mild. Some effects are frequent complaints such as swelling, pain and redness around the injection site and headache.

In addition to the side effects too often found in the form of fever, nausea and pain around the arms, hands or feet until the appearance of itchy red rash. Then, there is also a very rare effect is inhibition of the respiratory tract and breathing difficulties.

Although relatively rare, HPV vaccine is also likely to trigger a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylactic allergies life-threatening.

Consult with your doctor before you decide to obtain a cervical cancer vaccine. Ask for further information in order to make a proper judgment about the benefits that can be obtained and there is the risk of side effects.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Traditional Medicine

Traditional medicine is a medicine made from natural ingredients traditionally. This drug is a prescription based ancestors or have existed since time immemorial. These drugs are still many made or used to treat various diseases. The existence of traditional medicines or often referred to as herbal medicine is still quite high. This herbal medicine is still widely used because it has advantages over drugs from a medical. The drug is made from natural ingredients that are safe to use. Unlike medical drugs that have a risk to your health.

Traditional Medicine

The efficacy of herbal medicine has been proven thousands of years ago. However, for reasons of lack of practical, herbal remedies ultimately less attractive to the public. Moreover, along with increasing physician and health centers always judge a variety of diseases from the medical side, the drugs made from chemicals increasingly popular use.

Many people who depend recovery in modern medicine, which in turn only made the dependence on modern medicine. As more and more taking chemical drugs, then most likely there are several negative effects that the longer it will ruin himself.

Therefore, it is advisable for those who are suffering from the disease to seek alternative medicine, the herbal medicine. Some plants that have efficacy as a medicine is Ginger, Curcuma Roxb xanthorhiza, Clerodendrum calamitosum, Andrographis paniculata Ness, Centella Asiatica, Sonchus arvensis, and Phaleria macrocarpa.