Friday, September 11, 2015

Benefits of Coconut for Human

Coconut in Latin known as Cocos Nucifera is a tropical tree that is classified into palm tribe. Oil plants is estimated to come from the Indian Ocean coast, until now the spread has spread throughout the world tropical beach.

Coconut tree is a tree that can live up to tens of years, plants that grow in coastal areas can grow well in areas with rainfall of 1300-2300 mm / year or even more, an area with a height of 600 m above sea level, as well as areas with adequate sunlight intensity.

Classification and general characteristics of oil plants

Scientific classification of plants coconut
Species:C. nucifera

General characteristics of oil plants
  1. Plants that can adapt well in sandy areas like beaches have common traits are easily recognizable, among others:
  2. Consisting of a single tree trunk, root-shaped fibers, with a structure that is thick and woody, clustered to form tubers.
  3. Coconut tree trunks has sections and if a tree is old, the segments will be reduced. Coconut trunk is a type of wood that is strong enough, but unfortunately not good for building.
  4. Coconut leaves a single leaf with pinnate leaves bone groove.
  5. Compound interest and is situated on a circuit that is protected by bractea, flower consists of male and female flowers. Female flowers located at the base of the bouquet, while the male flowers in part away from the base.
  6. Coconut fruit is generally large, with a diameter of about 10cm - 20cm or even more. Coconut fruit color depends on the type of tree (can be yellow or green), for the fruit that is old will change color to brown.

Benefits of Coconut for Humans
Coconut is one kind of plant versatile and has a high economic value. All parts of the coconut tree can provide benefits to humans from the roots to the leaves and fruit of course. Here are some of the beneficiaries of palm trees by man:
  1. The roots: It can be used as raw material for brewing and dyes
  2. Part Stem: Used as raw material for furniture, furniture, as wood, or firewood.
  3. The leaves: Coconut leaves can be used as a wrapping material or woven to be the roof of the house, while the sticks used to make brooms.
  4. Part of interest: produce a fluid known as sap water that has a sweet taste, can be used as raw material for the manufacture of sugar juice or drinkable.
  5. Fruit section: This section consists of the skin (husk), shells, coconut meat and coconut water. Rind (coconut husk) is often used as a raw material for making the mat, Coconut shell can be used as charcoal, coconuts for consumption or processed to be used as palm oil, coconut water last as relieving thirst and also useful as a medicinal plant to improve the health of the body.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Benefits of Tomatoes and Broccoli to Deadly Cancer Cells

Benefits of Tomatoes and Broccoli to kill cancer cells - Vegetables are a source of nutrients for the body, is no exception broccoli and tomatoes. Within these two types of vegetables, a lot of substances contains antioxidants that can counteract free radicals cause a number of diseases, especially cancer.

Broccoli contains sulforaphane which is known to have the ability to fight cancer cells and tumors. But incredibly, these substances do not damage the body's cells that are still healthy. While the benefits of tomatoes for cancer due to the content of antioxidants in it called lycopene which has a role as sulforaphane in broccoli, which is equally efficacious against the development of cancer cells in the body.

Benefits of Tomatoes and Broccoli to Deadly Cancer Cells

Consuming broccoli and tomatoes separately, remain effective in warding off cancer cells. But when both are combined, then it will be more robust efficacy in cancer cell death. This has been demonstrated in a study conducted by the University of Illinois and published in the Journal Of Cancer research, where the research shows that the substance lycopene in tomatoes and sulforaphane in broccoli when combined, then they will be a combination of a very severe to prevent cancer.

The study was conducted by implanting prostate cancer cells in some mice, and rats get a different treatment in the provision of food, in which groups of mice were first given a diet containing tomato powder and powdered broccoli @ 10%, the group of mice both given tomato powder alone, and the rest is given only the broccoli powder.

From this research, it is known that the first group of mice getting encouraging results, in which prostate tumors are found in their bodies more rapidly narrowed when compared with the second and third groups of mice.

For the man himself, the researchers explain that for men, it is recommended to consume 2.5 cups of raw tomatoes and 1.4 cups of raw broccoli in order to get the same benefits. This is certainly very useful for cancer patients, especially if the cancer in their bodies can be detected early.

For those of you at home, you should start getting used to take both these foods at least once a week, which aim to protect the body against cancer. Besides the benefits of tomatoes and broccoli is not only to prevent cancer, but taking both can protect the body against heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and other diseases.