Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease

Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease, are easily found all around us. Actually, to relieve the flu, you only need enough rest to recover your body. In addition, you also need nutritious food intake as well as a shower with warm water.

However, to speed up the recovery of flu, you can also consume herbal prescription drugs for flu, which has been proven to cure. There are 4 Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease, which is also at the same time relieve colds, fever, and headache.
Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease
Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease

Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease #1
10 pieces of betel leaf + stem turmeric 25 grams (cut into pieces), washed, then boiled these ingredients with 600cc of water until the remaining 300 cc. Strain the water and add honey or sugar cubes. drinking water 2-3 times. Every time you drink 100-150cc.

Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease #2
Provide powdered dried Andrographis paniculata leaf, then take 1-2 grams of powder and brewed with hot water, then add honey, stir, and drink after warm. Do it three times a day.

Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease #3
Provide a fresh Gynura Procumbens + 15 grams of Centella asiatica fresh, dry ingredients until clean, then blended + 150 cc boiled water, blended, filtered, water is taken 2 times a day.

Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease #4
10 grams of fresh ginger + 1 clove garlic, wash the material, then mashed, brewed using 200 cc of hot water, add the juice of 1/2 lemon and honey, then drink while warm. Do it three times a day.

Thus Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease that you can use and hopefully this herbal recipes beneficial for you.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Medicinal Plants - History and Clinical Tests

Medicinal Plants - History

Since prehistoric times, spices were originally used as food seasonings, but slowly is known to have a variety of benefits. Particularly spices have antimicrobial capability so as to preserve food. This method is expected to begin in the tropical regions where food can not be preserved because of climatic factors. In contrast to temperate regions have winter so that the food can be preserved in low temperature. The meat in general in various cultures spiced more than vegetables because meat is more easily damaged.
Medicinal Plants
Medicinal Plants - History and Clinical Tests

Various archaeological evidence found that humans use medicinal plants at least since the Paleolithic era, about 60 thousand years ago. However expected it to happen earlier, because primates are still alive today have used a variety of specific leaves to cure certain diseases. Collected plant samples from the site of prehistoric Neanderthal cave Shandiar in Iran discovered a large amount of pollen from eight species of plants, with seven of them are still in use today as an herbal treatment.

In written history, at least the studies on the herb leaves have been conducted since 5000 years ago in Sumeria, and written on clay tablets that lists hundreds of medicinal plants. In the year 1500 BC the ancient Egyptians wrote Eber Papyrus which contains more than 800 medicinal plants, including garlic and marijuana. In India, Ayurvedic medicine has used a variety of medicinal plants since 1900 BC. Emperor of China Shennong is said to have written at least 365 medicinal plants and their use, including marijuana and ephedra (which became the origin of the word name of the drug ephedrine). In Ancient Greece, at least the herbs have been studied since the 3rd century BC by Diocles of Carystus, but most contents similar to those found in Egypt.

Medicinal Plants - Clinical Tests

Various herb leaves have positive effects when tested in vitro, in animals, and small-scale clinical trials, but not as rare as some herbs have a negative effect.

In 2002, the National Institutes of Health began to fund clinical trials of the effectiveness of herbal medicines. Survey in 2010 to 1000 species of plants, 356 of which already have the results of clinical trials on pharmacological benefits. About 12 percent said "no significant benefit" although already available on the market. And according to Cancer Research UK, none of the herbal treatment clinically proven to prevent or treat cancer. A variety of herbal medicine experts criticized the study scientific towards herbal medicines because they do not incorporate the historical knowledge that can provide information about the optimal dose, species detail, harvesting time, and the target population of potential recipients.