Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Herbal Treatment for Eczema

Herbal treatment for eczema can use herbal concoction of medicinal plants, including:
1. Bitter (Andrographis paniculata)
2. Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.)
3. Gotu kola (Centella asiatica)
4. Carrots (Daucus carota L.)
5. Lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle)
6. Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.)
7. Turmeric (Curcuma Longa L.)
8. Aloe vera (Aloe vera L.)

Eczema is an allergic reaction to the skin, characterized by the onset of redness and itching. Areas are often infected eczema between the fingers or toes, between the thighs, back of knee, wrist, and the area around the neck.

Herbal treatment for eczema
Eczema arise because skin allergies certain substances, such as cosmetics, costume jewelry, detergents, soaps, or other chemical ingredients. Allergies to certain foods, such as fish, milk, and alcohol.

How to make herbal concoction for treatment of eczema, among other (Choose one of the ingredients):
Herbal concoction 1
10 grams of bitter
15 grams of gotu kola
30 grams of ginger
Palm sugar to taste
Wash all ingredients, boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, and filtered. Drink 2 times a day.

Herbal concoction 2
Carrots to taste
1 tablespoon lime juice
1 tablespoon honey
Rinse the material, then the juice to get the results of 200 cc. Add lime juice and honey, then drink every morning and evening before meals.

Herbal concoction 3 (external use)
Purslane to taste
Turmeric to taste (peeled)
1 tablespoon water whiting
Wash all the ingredients and blend. Whiting add water and stir well. Apply on the skin of eczema.

Herbal concoction 4 (external use)
Aloe vera leaves to taste, peeled, mashed on the inside.
Powder to taste bitter.
Mix aloe vera leaves with bitter powder, stir until the dough is slightly thickened. Apply on the skin of eczema.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Herbal Treatment for Prostatitis

Prostatitis is caused by hormonal changes in the network dihidrotestosterm increased prostate gland in adulthood. Increase in these hormones is usually caused by age, as well as the function of the reduced decomposition. So the size of the prostate continues to grow, resulting in difficulty urinating.
Herbal treatment for prostatitis

Several ways can be done to cure them with herbal treatment for prostatitis, which is using herbal ingredients including:
Recipe 1
15 grams of dried gotu kola
10 grams of dried bitter
100 grams of fresh grass roots. 
Wash all ingredients, boiled with water until the remaining 800cc 400 cc, and filtered. Drink the potion 200 cc 2 times a day.

Recipe 2
Root of four o'clock flower
60 grams of green purslane
25 grams of watermelon skin. 
Wash all ingredients, boiled with water until the remaining 800cc 400 cc, and filtered. Drink the potion 200 cc 2 times a day.

Recipe 3
30 grams of cat's whiskers plant
Leaf scoop 30 grams
15 grams of leaves of the gods. Wash all ingredients, boiled with water until the remaining 800cc 400 cc, and filtered. Drink the potion 200 cc 2 times a day.

That is some way of making herbal recipes for the treatment of prostatitis.