Saturday, December 17, 2011


Epilepsy is a brain disorder characterized by seizures accompanied by loss of consciousness repeatedly temporarily. Occurs because of a sudden electrical discharge and uncontrolled in large brain (cerebrum). Severe seizure called grandmall, while the mild attacks known petitmall.

Epilepsy Causes
Most cases of epilepsy of unknown cause. Some possible factors that can lead to epilepsy are a brain tumour, brain membrane infection, injury accidents, and diseases of the blood on the brain. Care and treatment intended to eliminate the cause.

Epilepsy Symptoms 
1. Patients experienced loss of consciousness and convulsions.
2. Object unconscious in only a short time. After that, the patient immediately
    reach consciousness again.
3. Difficulty breathing, bluish face, and out of foam from the mouth.
4. after conscious, sufferers experience headaches and muscle aches.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Natural Asthma Treatment

Natural asthma treatment is to combine vitamins, minerals and herbs to relieve symptoms and prevent further attacks. There are many natural herbs and herbal supplements that can be used for the treatment of asthma. Natural asthma treatment is intended to complement, or in addition, for existing drugs but never as a replacement.
Natural asthma treatment

Before using asthma medication in mind that herbal medicinal plants can be as potent and should be treated as a pharmaceutical drug like that so it is important to seek support from health care providers, because some natural herbal treatment for asthma may conflict with medications commonly prescribed for asthma.

Asthma is a lung disorder, causing airway narrowing for a while. Asthma occurs due to a sudden spasm of respiratory muscles to contract and thus inhibiting the supply of air to the lungs. Barrage attack causes the patient became short of breath and breathing occur in the short straws.

People with asthma should avoid things that can cause asthma attacks, such as dust, and smoke cigarettes. Avoid foods that contain dyes and synthetic preservatives. Compress the chest with warm water. Bring spray or inhaler medications that can relieve the beginning of an asthma attack.

Natural asthma treatment, among others:
Potion natural asthma treatment 1
Flowers 15 knobs, 20 grams of red ginger, 15 grams of dried mandarin orange peel, wash all the ingredients, sliced, boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, then strain. Drink while warm.

Potion natural asthma treatment 2
5 grams of fennel, 5 stalks lemongrass, cinnamon 1 finger, 20 grams of red ginger, 20 grams of fresh gotu kola (15 grams dry), palm sugar to taste. Wash all ingredients, boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, then strain. Drink while warm.

Potion natural asthma treatment 3
3 grams of dried jasmine flowers (10 g fresh), 7 pieces caraway leaves. Wash all ingredients, boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, then strain. Drink while warm.

Potion natural asthma treatment 4
200 grams of white radish, 3 cloves garlic, 30 grams kencur. Wash all the ingredients, then juice and strain. Heat the water over low heat until boiling. Drink warm.

Potion natural asthma treatment 5
Ginger to taste, slice thickness 3-5 mm. Ginger paste using warm patch at the point dazhui, the most prominent vertebra located between the seventh cervical vertebra and the vertebra of the thoracic spine first.