Friday, November 25, 2011

Herbal Cough remedy

If you want to mix your own herbal cough remedy, combine the ingredients needed to become a medicinal herb useful as a cough suppressant, reducing bronchial secretions, or respiratory stimulant and booster discharge of phlegm. No difference herbal cough remedy with cough medicine sold freely in pharmacies or drug stores. 
Herbal Cough remedy

Cough is the body's reaction if there are foreign substances that stimulate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Cough often because itching in the throat that stimulates the patient wheezes.
Cough can also arise because of inflammation in the branches of the oesophagus and lungs, the virus, whooping cough, and others.

herbal cough remedy, among others:
Herbal cough remedy potions 1
10 grams of dried mandarin orange peel and 25 grams kaempferia galanga (sliced thin) boiled with 400 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc, then the water is drunk while warm.
Usage: Take 2 times a day

Herbal cough remedy potions 2
10 pieces of betel leaves boiled with 400 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc, then the water is drunk while warm.
Usage: Take 2 times a day

Herbal cough remedy potions 3 
10 grams of dried mandarin orange peel and 250 grams of fresh boiled squash with the remaining 600 cc to 300 cc, and then drink while warm.
Usage: Take 2 times a day

Herbal cough remedy potions 4
10 grams of fresh roses and rock sugar to taste steamed and then drunk.
Usage: Take 2 times a day

Herbal cough remedy potions 5
Blend the ingredients in the form of 4 grams of onion bulbs, 4 grams of fresh leaf poko, 3 grams of fresh leaves Sembung, 4 grams of fresh herbs grip, and 2 grams of fennel fruit and 125 ml of water. Add the water. Infusion is made or manufactured pills
Usage: Drink a day 1 time in the morning as much as 100 ml. When crushed, drink 1 a day as much as ¼ cups. If you created a pill, drink 3 times a day as much as 9 pills. Treatment was repeated for 14 days

Herbal cough remedy potions 6
One handheld starfruit flower and a piece of rock sugar boiled with 1 cup water to boiling and the only remaining ½ cup of water.
Use: Drink in the morning and evening routine.

Herbal cough remedy potions 7
Rinse flowers 25 starfruit, a meeting dribbles finger rhizome, cinnamon bark 1 finger, 1 finger rhizome kaempferia galanga, 2 spring onions, ¼ handheld gotu kola, sage leaves ¼ handheld, handheld leaf ingu ¼, and ¼ spoon handheld leaf. Then the material is cut into pieces, then boiled with 5 cups water until the remaining 2 ¼ cups. After the cold filtered.
Use: Drinking with the addition of honey 3 times daily as needed. Each drinks as much as ¾ cup herb.

Herbal cough remedy potions 8 (for cough in children)
One handheld starfruit flower, a few grains of fennel, sugar to taste, a cup of water and steamed for several hours. Once cool, filtered using a piece of cloth.
Usage: Drink 2 times a day, morning and evening on an empty stomach.

Herbal Flu Remedy

Flu is a respiratory disease characterized by sudden fever, aching muscles, the body feels cold, headache, cough, runny nose, and the body feels weak. Flu is caused by influenza viruses. Influenza is very contagious and usually contagious as the cold / damp, i.e. during the rainy season.
Herbal Flu Remedy
When in good body condition, influenza attacks will not cause a result that is too heavy. But when the body condition is weak, easily attack the influenza virus and result in serious condition which if not immediately resolved to attack the brain and cause symptoms such as pain in the head, insomnia, decreased consciousness, seizures, mental depression, nerve inflammation, and others.

Herbal flu remedy , among others:
Herbal flu remedy potions 1
15 grams of ginger and 2 white leeks boiled with 400 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc, then the water is drunk while warm.
Usage: Take 2 times a day

Herbal flu remedy potions 2
10 grams of garlic, red onion 10 grams and 10 grams of ginger sliced and brewed with boiling water and then the place were closed for 15 minutes. After that, his ginger discarded, while the garlic and red onions can be eaten and water drunk. Usage: Take 2 times a day

Herbal flu remedy potions 3
30-60 grams of mustard and 10-15 grams of garlic boiled with enough water then the water is drunk while warm.
Usage: Take 2 times a day

Herbal flu remedy potions 4
60 grams of mustard and 15 grams of garlic boiled with enough water, then drink while warm boiled water.
Usage: Take 2 times a day

Herbal flu remedy potions 5
Squeeze a lime fruit is juicy ripe, then pour boiling water with 60 ml of hot water.
Usage: Drink once while warm.

Herbal flu remedy potions 6
Rinse gandola 15 grams of fresh leaves, then boiled with 2 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. Once cool, strain and add a little salt, stirring until dissolved.
Usage: Drink once.

Herbal flu remedy potions 7
¼ grated coconut and 1 grain kaempferia galanga rhizome of thumb size, then mix. After that, add 1 cup of boiled water, then squeeze.
Usage: Drink one a day.

Herbal flu remedy potions 8
Prepare a 2.5 cm ginger (peeled and grated), ½ teaspoon dried chilli powder, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1-2 cloves garlic (finely ground), and honey to taste. Boil ginger in 2 cups water, reduce the heat and let stand for 5 minutes. Add chilli powder and boil again for 1 minute. Pick up potions, and then add lemon juice, garlic, and honey. Let stand a minute, then strain.
Usage: Drink warm.

Herbal flu remedy potions 9
Boil 100 grams of fresh ginger sliced along with 1 stick of cinnamon broken up, 1 teaspoon coriander, 3 cloves, and 1 slice of lemon with 500 ml of water. After boiling let stand for 15 minutes. Remove and strain. To add flavour, you can add honey.
Usage: Drink warm, 1 cup every 2 hours.