Handle Asthma with Sandalwood Herbs |
Parts used wood. Content of sandalwood: Essential oils, hars, and tannic substances. Oil: Santalol (seskuiterpenalkohol), santalen (seskuiterpena), Santen, santenon, santalal, santalon, and isovalerilaldehida
Sandalwood herbs for treatment, among others:
Dysentery: sandalwood skin 2 grams, 5 grams of leaves Patikan Cina, Gambier bit and 100 ml water. Infusion made materials. Taken 2 times a day, morning and evening, every times drinks 100 ml. Repeated for 14 days.
Intestinal inflammation: sandalwood (powder), 2 teaspoon and 100 ml of boiling water. Then brewed ingredients. Taken 2 times a day, morning and evening, every times drinks 100 ml. Repeated for 14 days.
Asthma: Sandalwood (powder) to taste, young leaves of the Cape a few strands. Cape of young leaves chopped and then dried. Once dry add a little powdered Sandalwood, then made cigarettes. Smoked like cigarette smoke.