Monday, November 30, 2015

Safer With Mosquito Repellent Plants

Mosquito repellent typically contains an active ingredient called Diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET). This active ingredient is a chemical element that has the potential to negatively impact our health. For those of you who want an alternative, there is no harm in choosing mosquito repellent plants are friendlier to health.

Safer With Mosquito Repellent Plants

Plants such as citronella, lavender, lemon eucalyptus and catnip is believed to be a primary choice as a mosquito repellent plants. These plants do not kill mosquitoes, but the effect can reduce mosquito to human interaction. In other words, can prevent you from mosquito bites.

Mosquito repellent plants, More Natural than chemical Repellent Containing DEET
Mosquito repellent lotion or spray form is usually added substance DEET, with levels of up to 100 percent. On the one hand, these chemicals offer protection against mosquitoes for up to 12 hours, but on the other hand, the use of chemicals at risk of giving adverse effects on health. DEET can irritate the skin, even in some cases can cause severe skin reactions. There have been reports that this material may also cause insomnia, impaired cognitive function, and mood disorders, in people who are exposed to high doses of DEET.

Research shows that a lotion or spray insect repellent that contains DEET safe for small children over the age of two months until adulthood if levels of DEET was only 10-30 percent. Regarding the impact on children should be considered again.

From a variety of reasons, you may be interested to choose a way that more naturally repel mosquitoes, for example, with ingredients derived from plants.

Use Mosquito Repellent Plants
Here are plants that are believed to help repel mosquitoes:

Citronella has long been known as a mosquito repellent plants, and often referred to as citronella. Fresh fragrance for men, is not favoured by mosquitoes. You can plant citronella in the yard of the house to prevent the arrival of mosquitoes.
The shape that resembles grass height reaches 1.82 meters can be directly planted on the ground.

Flowers Chicken Droppings
The Latin name of this flower is Tagetes erecta. As the name implies, this flower has a smell less pleasant, but therein lies the advantage. This flower can avoid the mosquitoes are too close to your home environment.
It is advisable to plant flowers in the yard as chicken droppings planting other ornamental flowers. This interest was as a fence barrier that keeps mosquitoes away because it does not stand the smell.

A study revealed that cinnamon oil may eradicate the Aides aegypti mosquito larvae. Cinnamon oil is made from the leaves of cinnamon and contain a chemical compound called cinnamaldehyde. This is a powerful chemical compounds. With cinnamaldehyde levels less than 50 ppm, can eradicate half of the larvae of the mosquito that causes dengue fever. That is, this material helps eradicate the mosquito before growing up.

Oil of thyme extracts also are providing protection from mosquito bites, especially mosquitoes. It has been proved in a study. If you want to make your own spray mosquito repellent, try to mix 60 millilitres of water with five drops of thyme oil. Spray to the parts of the body or the places you want to avoid from mosquitoes.

Celery is not very popular as a mosquito repellent plants, but a clinical trial showed that celery extract useful as a mosquito repellent that is as effective as DEET levels of 25 percent. Until now there has been no drug companies were using mosquito repellent celery extract.

Which has been crushed lavender flowers will produce oil. Oils that are useful to repel mosquitoes. Apply the oil on the body so you avoid mosquito bites.

Catnip or Nepeta cataria is a plant which can be 'drugged' cats, so it behaves more active. However, mosquitoes, catnip is a plant that is feared. Plant a plant that looks like weeds in your yard to help repel mosquitoes that are around the house.

Lemon Eucalyptus
Used is in the form of oil, derived from the lemon eucalyptus plant. Oil of lemon eucalyptus can help prevent mosquito bites, and can work up to two hours.
This has a direct mosquito repellent can be purchased in the form of oil and you can immediately use. Because it is in the form of oil, this herb is usually containing DEET in low levels, which is only 6.65 percent, so it is safe to use.
Do not wrong when they want to buy. Choose oil of lemon eucalyptus are made as a mosquito repellent and not in the form of essential oils.

Soy can be processed into soybean oil. One of the properties of soybean oil is to avoid mosquito bites. In fact, soybean oil is considered more effective than citronella oil repel mosquitoes more famous. To better take advantage of it, you can mixing soybean oil with citronella oil. Research reveals that the mixture of the two is a powerful formula to eradicate more than one type of mosquito.

Mosquito repellent plants is indeed natural, but you also have to be careful to use it, especially if in the form of oil because there is a possibility you are allergic to these ingredients. As a precaution, try to apply a little earlier in the hand skin and let stand briefly. If no rash or irritation occurs, you are not allergic to the oils.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Liver Disease Still Can Be Prevented, Perform From Now (Continued)

Once before, you know some of the conditions that can cause liver disease, here are other conditions that can also lead to liver disease.

Too much vitamin A
Ideal daily requirement of vitamin A is 700-900 micrograms for men and 600-700 micrograms for women. Too much vitamin A in the long run may be at risk for bone loss in old age. Overdose of vitamin A are also at risk of lead toxicity in the liver.

Non-sterile tattooing
Liver disease can be caused by hepatitis C infection that can be caused by using non-sterile tattooing equipment. The virus can be spread through direct contact with blood of an infected person.

Some types of antidepressants was found to harm the liver, although only consumed a few days. This condition is more dangerous in people who had already been impaired in his heart, especially in the elderly group.

Consumption of herbal supplements
The lure of the quality of herbal or natural supplements still does not ensure the safety of the products completely. Most herbal remedies, such as cascara, chaparral, comfrey, kava and ephedra, risk of harm to the liver. Some herbal supplements that claim to improve liver function have not been medically proven.

The good news, liver diseases can still be prevented by improving lifestyle, stop bad habits and replace them with more healthy habits such as:

  • Always maintain ideal body weight.
  • Use a condom during sexual intercourse.
  • Get immunizations to protect yourself from hepatitis B and A.
  • Wise in taking drugs by complying with dose. Consult your doctor if you want to consume herbal supplements along with free drug.
  • Avoid exposure to blood and body fluids of others.
  • Wear a mask, long sleeves and gloves, and make sure your room is ventilated when spraying cleaning fluid, insecticides, or fungicides. Perform the same precautions when using topical or spray paint and other hazardous chemicals.
  • Limiting consumption of liquor.
  • Eat more healthy and fresh food, such as fruits and vegetables. Avoid raw seafood.
  • Because it cannot be preceded by certain symptoms, consult a body to detect possible infected with hepatitis.
  • Based on research, the coffee in the levels of moderation can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Already sick liver will not be able to return healthy as before. Therefore, you can start protecting the liver to start a healthy lifestyle before it is too late.

Liver Disease Still Can Be Prevented, Perform From Now

Liver plays an important role keeping the body healthy by removing toxins from the body that enter with food and drinks. The liver produces bile that helps break down fat apart from food, is also capable of storing glucose that will support the provision of energy for the body.

Therefore, any form of interference affecting these organs can be at risk of disruptive discharge system toxins from the body. If not promptly treated, the risk ultimately bring life-threatening disease.

liver disease

Unfortunately, many day-to-day habits of humans at risk of causing disturbances in the liver. Began to pay attention to your diet from now and also look at the conditions that keep the risk as follows.

Too much consumption of sugar
Requires careful fructose, which is one type of sugar, to produce fat. But if eating too much refined sugar and artificial sweeteners from corn starch with a high fructose content, it can lead to a buildup of the risk of causing liver disease. This type of sugar commonly found in soda, candy, and sweet cakes. This risk can occur even in people who are not overweight though. The study found that the danger caused by the equivalent resulting from the consumption of liquor.

Being overweight can lead to accumulation of fat in liver cells which can lead to non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). In addition to being overweight, the disease is also the most risky befall those who have diabetes and middle age (around 40-60 years). If not dealt with, in the long term scarring that can harden replaces healthy tissue.

Monosodium Glutamate / MSG
Some research may call flavourings or MSG as a harmless substance, but other studies on animals found that MSG can cause irritation of the liver and can lead to liver cancer and non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). Although the effect has not been proven in humans, but it's good to limit consumption of MSG. In the product packaging, you can recognize MSG with other names, such as yeast extract (yeast extract), extracts of soy (soy extract), or hydrolyzed vegetable protein.

Tran’s Fats
The study found that the consumption of foods containing Tran’s fats can cause liver disease with scar tissue. These fats are found mainly in foods written on the packaging and package labels as partially hydrogenated vegetable oil or vegetable shortening.

Check out other conditions that can cause liver disease here.

Chest Pain in the Right Potential Heart Disease

Right chest pain could be associated with a heart attack. Although heart attacks are generally felt on the left, right chest pain still need to be considered because it could indicate serious health problems.

Right chest pain less attention because people concentrate on the heart in the left chest. Though right chest pain associated with several serious diseases which afflict the body, especially in the elderly.

Chest Pain in the Right Potential Heart Disease

Sign Perceived Body
There are some physical symptoms that can be felt when a person experiencing chest pains right, namely:
  • Pain in the chest when changing body position.
  • Burning sensation in the chest or behind the breastbone.
  • Pain in the chest stung.
  • Chest feels like squeezing, pressure, and tightness.
  • Pain when breathing, especially when lying down.
  • Feels backflow of the gastrointestinal tract in the mouth.

Conditions Chest Pain Related to the Right
Here are some of the causes of pain in the right chest:
  • A viral infection that causes colds and coughs can be responsible for the onset of pain in the right chest. The pain will be increasingly felt when coughing and perform deep breathing.
  • Stress can aggravate digestive tract disorders. If the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted can trigger pain in the right chest.
  • Sports or activities that involve excessive chest muscle can cause chest pain right. This pain usually comes from muscle pain and worsened when right pectoral muscle is moved.
  • Lung problems that can cause chest pain, among others, the right part is pneumonia or pleurisy and lung tissue infection or inflammation of the lining of the lung. There is also a pneumothorax, a condition lung collapsed because of external trauma so that the air pressure in the lungs and troubled breathing. Embolism or blockage of blood vessels in the lungs can also make the right chest pain.
  • Inflammation of the liver or hepatitis has also become one of the medical conditions responsible for the emergence of right chest pain. Location of the liver adjacent to the chest wall right is the cause why the right chest hurt when heart experiencing serious problems.
  • Injuries to bones, muscles, and nerves can also cause chest pain right. A broken right rib cage will lead right chest pain, especially when breathing and coughing. Muscles and tendons are located right in between the ribs can also be injured because of coughing too hard or movements that cause pain right chest.
  • Digestive problems can also cause chest pain right. For example, GERD or acid reflux can cause pain and tenderness in the right chest because of the esophagus and the heart share the same neural networks. Inflammation of the pancreas also causes pain in the lower right of the chest especially when lying down. The pain caused by inflammation of the pancreas will get better every time leaning forward facing. In addition, gastric ulcer also has the potential to make a right chest pain.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Cervical Cancer Vaccine, Before It's Too Late

Cervical cancer is largely caused by a virus transmitted through sexual intercourse, namely human papillomavirus (HPV). Cervical cancer vaccine is one way to prevent transmission of the virus.

HPV infection in women can cause the growth of abnormal cells in the cervix. In some women, the disorder can then develop into cervical cancer.

Cervical Cancer Vaccine

For women, the cervical cancer vaccine is recommended three doses in a three times usage. The first vaccine is given in adolescence that is 11-12 years, and then a second vaccine is given one or two months after the first vaccine. Then, a third vaccine are given 6 months after the first vaccine.

The third dose of the vaccine is believed to be the long-term protection from HPV infection. If during adolescence doses of the vaccine is not yet complete, it is better to consult a doctor for a complete dose of the vaccine.

Not only women, men can also benefit from the vaccine. For men, HPV can also cause genital warts, anal cancer and throat cancer, apart from cervical cancer.

Group of men recommended to obtain the HPV vaccine that men who have sex with men or who have immune disorders and aged 26 years or younger.

Type Vaccine
HPV virus has various types. About 40 percent of all types of HPV can cause infections in the genital area. In addition, certain types can lead to cervical cancer.

Side Effects
Side effects of HPV vaccination generally occurs temporarily and relatively mild. Some effects are frequent complaints such as swelling, pain and redness around the injection site and headache.

In addition to the side effects too often found in the form of fever, nausea and pain around the arms, hands or feet until the appearance of itchy red rash. Then, there is also a very rare effect is inhibition of the respiratory tract and breathing difficulties.

Although relatively rare, HPV vaccine is also likely to trigger a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylactic allergies life-threatening.

Consult with your doctor before you decide to obtain a cervical cancer vaccine. Ask for further information in order to make a proper judgment about the benefits that can be obtained and there is the risk of side effects.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Traditional Medicine

Traditional medicine is a medicine made from natural ingredients traditionally. This drug is a prescription based ancestors or have existed since time immemorial. These drugs are still many made or used to treat various diseases. The existence of traditional medicines or often referred to as herbal medicine is still quite high. This herbal medicine is still widely used because it has advantages over drugs from a medical. The drug is made from natural ingredients that are safe to use. Unlike medical drugs that have a risk to your health.

Traditional Medicine

The efficacy of herbal medicine has been proven thousands of years ago. However, for reasons of lack of practical, herbal remedies ultimately less attractive to the public. Moreover, along with increasing physician and health centers always judge a variety of diseases from the medical side, the drugs made from chemicals increasingly popular use.

Many people who depend recovery in modern medicine, which in turn only made the dependence on modern medicine. As more and more taking chemical drugs, then most likely there are several negative effects that the longer it will ruin himself.

Therefore, it is advisable for those who are suffering from the disease to seek alternative medicine, the herbal medicine. Some plants that have efficacy as a medicine is Ginger, Curcuma Roxb xanthorhiza, Clerodendrum calamitosum, Andrographis paniculata Ness, Centella Asiatica, Sonchus arvensis, and Phaleria macrocarpa.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Fennel as an Herbal Remedy for Kidney Stone Crushers

Fennel as an Herbal Remedy for Kidney Stone Crushers - As reviewed in a previous article (read: Fennel Benefits for Health), the fennel plant has many properties in the world of medicine, one of which helped break down kidney stones. Part of the plant that has this capability is the fruit of fennel.

In the fennel fruit oil contains fennel consisting of essential oils, fatty oils, waxes, sugar, Umbelliferon, and Stigmasterin. All these components may provide benefits for treating a number of diseases that you have suffered, one of them can be used as a traditional medicine kidney stones.
Fennel as an Herbal Remedy for Kidney Stone Crushers

Benefits of Fennel as a Laxative Medicine for Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are hard masses that form in the kidneys or in the bladder. The effects when you contract the disease is the onset of pain when urinating, a blockage of urine flow, and is usually accompanied by bleeding due to injury to the urinary tract. To fix this, you can take advantage of medical treatment, or the use of herbal medicines are widely available in the market. One kidney stone herbal remedies that you can use that powder from the seeds of fennel.

Of the few studies that have been done, the result that fennel powder has the ability to destroy kidney stones. Some substances and compounds in it helped break down kidney stones and remove it through the means of disposal when you urinate.

To make the fruit of fennel pollen as an herbal remedy kidney stones, is easy enough. You live mixing 5 grams of powdered fennel with a glass of hot water. Then drink the potion when cold one glass a day. Perform routine until you suffer illness cured.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Benefits Shallots as Medicinal Plants

Benefits Shallots as Medicinal Plants - Onion or Shallots is one kind of plant where its use can be found in almost all kinds of cuisines, both local and foreign food. Besides as a spice, it turns red onion can also act as a medicinal plant.

Benefits Shallots as Medicinal Plants

Efficacy Onion / Shallots for health
Many properties of onion can be used to treat a number of diseases, among others:

  • The nature of the oil contained in the water red onion can be used to kill some microbe’s staphylococci, streptococci which microbes are also a type of inflammatory disease-causing microbes in the piston and oesophagus. Diphtheria can kill microbes, amoebic dysentery and tuberculosis microbes. How to use is by the smell or eat it.
  • Can minimize blood clotting, how to eat raw onion bulbs are mixed with cheese.
  • Making it as a compress to cure diseases from the outside. The trick is to cut up the onion into small pieces then heated. How to compress, namely the use by putting them on the parts of the body that will be treated, and then tie it. This compresses replaced every 12 hours. Some diseases that can be cured in this way include: whooping cough and pneumonia. Place the compress on the chest. Smooth urination, put a compress on the kidney / bladder. For interference in the regulatory function of blood, put a compress on the top of the foot. Dirty blood and pus, put a compress on the wound.
  • Eliminates the pain in the body parts injured by utilizing the juice of onion.
  • Eliminates cracking at the nipple. The trick onion mashed and mixed with olive oil, then applied the skin gets chapped.
  • Cure intestinal worms in children. The trick is to give the child drinks the result of steeping of the pieces of onion which has been stored for one night. Before drunk, first add a little honey into the brew.
  • Eliminate dizziness and sensitize people fainted. The trick with raw onion closer to the patient's nose.
  • Helps eliminate the "fish eye" on the legs.
  • Other usability red onions that can be used to lower blood sugar levels. Can also be used to cure the flu.

Now, you already know about the benefits of the onion or shallots as herbs. So, make use of medicinal plants around us for the health of us all.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Benefits of Basil as Herbal Medicine

Benefits of Basil as Herbal Medicine - Basil is a kind of small shrub that is often used by the public as part of the leafy vegetables or ingredients and spices. Typical aroma of basil is widely used to enhance the flavour and aroma of refined dishes such as sautéed and spiced.

Besides useful as herbs, basil leaves other benefits that can be maximized as a drug. Nutrient content in it is very beneficial for the body such as vitamins (A, beta-carotene, C, and K), minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, sineol, magnesium, etc.), substances and important compounds such as lutein, zeaxanthin, arginine, there are also oil essential as estragole, linalool, cineole, eugenol, sabinene, myrcene and limonene.

With its content of it, basil can provide benefits to the body when consumed routinely and regularly, here are the benefits of the various elements contained in the leaves of basil for your good health, to prevent or treat disease.

1. Vitamins

  • Vitamin A - This vitamin plays a role in maintaining eye health and protect it from various disorders that often occur in the eye.
  • Vitamin C and beta-carotene - the content of both can stimulate antibodies that can increase endurance, anti-oxidants and vitamin C in leaves of basil role in lowering fever.
  • Vitamin K - role in activating protein that plays an important role in the growth of cartilage tissue. Vitamin K also provide a very important role in the blood clotting process, so as to prevent bleeding.

2. Mineral

  • Sineol and magnesium - to help stabilize the heart rate and widen the arteries so that blood circulation becomes smooth. Magnesium and beta-carotene can protect the cell walls from free radical damage.
  • Calcium - helps strengthen bones and teeth

3. Substances and Other Compounds

  • Substance arginine - play a role in increasing fertility in men and prevent infertility
  • Lutein and Zeaxanthin - protect the eyes from damage as a result of radiation harmful rays.
  • Essential oils - serves to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria resistant to antibiotic drugs.

Basil leaves are also anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, so that it can serve to eliminate the less savory aroma of the mouth and the body, and prevent inflammation in the joints.