Monday, June 29, 2015

Herbs for Treatment of Sinusitis

Sinusistis caused by inflammation of the sinuses where the bones around the nose, eyes and cheeks lined with membranes that produce mucus, which serves to warm and humidify inhaled air, coupled to filter out any bacteria. When solid and can not flow properly, mucus continue to accumulate, stagnate and become infected. There are several causes for chronic sinus infection: - Excessive consumption of dairy (cheese, milk, ice cream, yogurt) - Environmental allergies - Cigarettes and irritation of pollution - Food allergies - Tooth infection - Fungal infection in the sinus cavity - Systemic Candida albicans (overgrowth of the fungus) - Colds and flu symptoms

Bacteria Cause Sinusitis Disease:
  1. Streptococcus pneumoniae
  2. Haemophilus Influenzae
  3. Moraxella Catarrhalis
  4. Staphylococcus aureus
  5. Streptococcus Pyogenes

Herbs for Treatment of Sinusitis

Scientifically special care medicine to treat sinusitis can include prescription of antibiotics, steroids, anti-inflammatory, and in some cases had to undergo surgery. In addition there are 8 natural ways commonly used by people to treat sinusitis sinusitis them as traditional medicine, but before that they have to reduce drinking milk, cheese, ice cream, and yogurt which will help reduce the production of mucus and allow the sinusitis disease cured. There are also herbal and homeopathic medications, nasal sprays, and aromatherapy oils can help reduce sinus swelling.

Here is a natural way of treatment of sinusitis.
1. Intensive Diet
2. Mixed Herbs
3. The use of Neti Pot
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
5. Grape Seed Extract
6. Extract Skin Mangosteen and Soursop Leaf
7. Propolis
8. Gurah
9. Andrographis paniculata leaf extract

Andrographis paniculata (Sambiloto) leaf is very efficacious for treating various diseases, one of which is treating sinusitis in a way to shed Andrographis paniculata leaf extract (the Andrographis paniculata leaves can be crushed with a spoon until the water out of the leaves) into the nostril few drops (3 drops), it feels very bitter especially when into the esophagus, but efficacy for treating sinusitis is so powerful, did the Andrographis paniculata leaf droplet 2 days until your sinusitis recover.

It is already a lot of people do. Only a few times, then you already feel Preferably, however, if the roughly sinusitis relapse, then drops back bitter leaf herb. You can also combine this treatment with a nasal wash with salt water using nettipot.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

6 Most Loved Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine more chosen people because they are cheaper and there are no side effects. But basically, alternative treatments cannot be used as a substitute for primary treatment. There are some alternative treatments are most in demand.

Treatment alternatives exist in society today mostly do not yet have strong scientific evidence and mostly based on the experience of the patient alone. Though the scientific evidence to demonstrate the safety, efficacy and quality of a treatment.

This condition makes alternative medicine is generally not recommended by doctors because patients will leave the main treatment works to treat her illness.

This 6 Most Loved Alternative Medicine

1. Acupuncture

Alternative Medicine

Acupuncture is an alternative treatment of the Chinese state or by inserting a needle into the body. Scientifically proven acupuncture to treat pain and nausea after surgery. Although for the pain, some people still consider it a placebo effect or suggestion only.

Currently, acupuncture has been 'exported' to various countries around the world. In European countries such as the UK, almost half the medical practitioners of acupuncture training to be able to practice these skills in dealing with patients.

2. Cupping

As an alternative therapy, cupping practice or in Arabic called hijamah more and more in demand. This dirty blood sampling techniques can overcome many health problems, especially cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Cupping can be divided into dry cupping and wet cupping. In the wet cupping, dirty blood removed from the artery. Because there are parts that are slashed, it must be done by trained personnel. While only a dry cupping suction to overcome minor complaints such as colds, can be done by anyone.

3. Ceragem

Ceragem therapy is a therapy that uses jade Korea with infrared technology. Infra-red rays can penetrate the body up to 14 cm at certain points so that the body feels warm.

Jade are already hot will be moved to other body parts that have not been hot. This is what makes the circulation of a patient's blood to be smooth. Patients become more restful sleep so had better sleep quality.

4. Gurah

Gurah is one way of traditional treatment to remove mucus from the body using herbal concoctions. In the tradition of citizens Imogiri, Yogyakarta, gurah done by dripping Srigunggu (Clerodendron serratum) leaf extract into the mouth or nostrils, which made the Sinden (singer) to maintain sound quality.

In its development, herbs are used not only Srigunggu (clerodendron serratum) leaves. Some therapists use other types of foliage, even the kitchen spices such as chilli and turmeric.

5. Hypnotherapy

Hypnotic commonly used for curative purposes, especially in the case of addiction, where the person cannot stop even after trying a variety of methods.

In addition there are also other benefits, such as weight loss hypnosis, cure memory problems, insomnia, sadness, obsession compulsive disorder, stuttering, self-confidence, shyness, labour, skin problems, public speaking, anxiety, pain, habit disorders, and others. Hypnotic like this is known as hypnotherapy.

6. Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine in which health care practitioners will treat patients using the principles of the disease can be cured with natural ingredients that might be the cause.

Homeopathic remedies claimed to work together with the immune system and defend itself from disease. This means that homeopathy can stimulate increases the body's resistance to infection, accelerate healing and prevent complications without side effects.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Eastern Medicine and Western Medicine - The Different

Eastern Medicine and Western Medicine - The Different, In this modern age, we all must already know that so many kinds of chemical drugs. This is due to the number of new breakthrough in treating various disease itself. But one thing we must not forget that chemical drugs always have side effects for the patients themselves.
Because of side effects, so many of the people who eventually turned back to traditional treatment methods. In addition to more secure because almost no side effects, traditional medicine was also relatively affordable.
Perhaps it is better if we learn the methods of treatment adopted by China, where the treatment by medical science, also accompanied by traditional methods were modernized with high technology. Treatment of China is often referred to as Eastern medicine.

Eastern Medicine and Western Medicine - The Different

Eastern Medicine and Western Medicine
Western Medicine and Eastern Medicine

Western Medicine
Already we know, western medicine has found a variety of drugs ranging from aspirin painkillers, to medicines at exorbitant prices. Manufactured with advanced technology, derived either from organic material or inorganic. Organic compounds are compounds that will decompose in our bodies later, while inorganic compounds are compounds that do not decompose, such as sodium, nitrogen and metal compounds, such as zinc, magnesium, calcium and others. Stacks of inorganic compounds will be out along with urine. When we drink water about 2 litres per day, maybe it can be healthy kidneys, but if less than that, then we'll kidneys work harder, and certainly will reduce the life of our kidneys. Western medicine has a tendency to resolve the disease within a short time without taking into account other organs that may be disturbed by substances carried by the drug or long-term effects. As long as the disease is now recovered, it did not matter. Without taking into account the result of the next, or may be the element of intent, because one day the patient will come again with another illness, and of course, he also had the cure. This fact makes many people think that this treatment seems to show the existence of an element of the business, which is very strong.

Eastern Medicine
The concept of Eastern medicine is very different from the ways of western medicine. Our society has become first nature to always drinking herbal concoctions derived from the leaves to maintain health or to cure ailments, such as colds, coughs and so on. Eastern medicine is not directly cure the illness. However, removing toxins, or toxins in the body or blood of us with a certain potion. After that, the recovery of organs, which then would automatically improve the performance of antibodies in our bodies to fight the disease. In this system, the body will be directed to make its own antibodies which are permanent, not temporary and into dependency.

Here is the real difference between Western Medicine and Eastern Medicine.

1. Western medicine more coming from the West Country, so that the orientation was to the west.
2. Material treatment using chemical synthesis, which is of course the use of chemicals.
3. Biodegradable synthetic chemical treatment is between 50 and 80%.
4. It is geared to eliminate the symptoms.
5. Characteristically symptomatic only to reduce suffering.
6. Characteristically palliative means healing speculative, if appropriate disease will be cured, if not would be a dangerous poison.
7. Preferably for diseases that are acute (need help immediately) such as acute asthma, acute diarrhoea, fractures, acute infections and others.
8. The reaction was quick, yet destructive means to weaken the other organs, especially if used continuously for a long time.
9. The side effects that can be caused by irritation of the stomach and liver, kidney damage, resulting in blood fats.
10. Treatment of synthetic chemicals in the long run may weaken the immune system of our body.
11. Western medicine uses the paradigm of "illness is the enemy", "disease is the enemy".
12. Overcoming partially (mostly).
13. Symptomatic treatment, treatment based on symptoms.
14. Tests to the animals.
15. Newly discovered several years.
16. Most of the content in synthetic chemical treatments very rarely listed label "HALAL". Therefore most synthetic chemical drugs containing "dubious substances" or "hazardous substances".

1. Herbal treatment more excavated from the east, such as the Middle East, Asia, especially from China, Japan, Korea, India, and Indonesia.
2. Herbal treatments use natural or organic ingredients.
3. Power absorption of herbal medicine is an average of 90%.
4. Directed at the root cause of disease and improvement of functions and organs are damaged.
5. Characteristically reconstructive or organ repair and rebuilding organs, tissues or cells are damaged.
6. Characteristically curative means to truly heal because of his treatment at the root cause of the disease.
7. Preferably to prevent illness, recovery complications of chronic diseases, as well as the types of diseases that require prolonged treatment.
8. The reaction is slow but it is constructive or repair and rebuild damaged organs.
9. Side effects are almost non-existent.
10. Herbal treatment is actually able to boost the immune system with better results.
11. Treatment of the east have a paradigm of "illness is not the enemy, but due to an imbalance of energy".
12. Addressing an integral (holistic).
13. Causative Treatment, treatment based on the cause of the disease.
14. Tests to humans.
15. Tested for thousands of years ago.

16. Treatment of herbal rated lawful, since pure from plants or natural.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Herbal Medicine for Insect Bites

Herbal Medicine for Insect Bites - Bites or insect stings can cause several types of injuries, even cause poisoning, for example bite centipedes, spiders, ants and bees (wasps). If stung by an insect, which must be done is to clean the wound, issuing organ insects (stinger) is left in the skin, and neutralize poison insects.
Herbal Medicine for Insect Bites

Symptoms and signs

Ant bites are generally painless and redness of the skin and bring an allergic reaction.
Spider bites cause pain and itching when stung. Several hours later arise tiny blisters on the skin and in the surrounding raised red spots. In people who are sensitive, often accompanied by dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.
Bee stings cause a feeling of heat and pain. Up to 100 bee stings or more can lead to death.

Herbal Medicine for Insect Bites

Bee stings should not be revoked because of the poison can be pushed into the skin.
Perform massage the skin around the sting that poisonous stinger embedded in the skin can be removed.
To reduce pain, compress with ice water.
To prevent allergic reactions, give antihistamine pills.

Recipe #1 (External Use)
Fresh Andrographis paniculata (Sambiloto; ind) leaf sufficiently.
Tobacco sufficiently.
Blend all ingredients until smooth.
Stick to the wound, then bandaged with gauze. Do it 2-3 times a day.

Recipes #2 (External Use)
15 leaves of neem.
Rinse and neem leaves, boiled with 400 cc of water to the boil.
After boiled water cools, use water to compress the wound. Do it three times a day.

Recipe #3 (External Use)
Basil leaves sufficiently.
Strobilanthes crispus Leaves sufficiently.
Rinse all ingredients and blend.
Stick it on the skin that sting and bandaged with gauze. Do it 2-3 times a day.

Recipe #4 (External Use)
Garlic sufficiently.
Garlic puree, paste on insect bite wound.
Bandaged with gauze.
Do it three times a day.

Recipes #5
15 g dry Taraxacum officinale or Dandelion
10 g of dried Andrographis paniculata (Sambiloto; ind)
Rinse all the ingredients, boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, then strain.
Drink 2 times a day.

Hopefully the information about Herbal Medicine for Insect Bites, which we write in this blog can be beneficial to you.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Kidney Disease in Children

Kidney Disease in Children - More than 90% or kidney nephrotic syndrome in children are the result of the primary kidney disease of unknown cause. Nephrotic syndrome secondary to systemic disease is rare in comparison to the adults, the cause of most rare is Henoch-Schonlein syndrome.

Incidence of renal disease occur in children with chronic kidney failure. Disease chronic renal failure in children is more common than in adults, but has a worse effect on growth and development. Clinical symptoms are usually not seen until a decline in kidney function up to 60-80%. The clinical symptoms may not be obvious that any failure to thrive, aneroksia and nocturia or can be acute symptoms in chronic crisis which can be caused by an infection. Urinary tract infection or expenditure salt can accelerate deterioration of renal function, while the extra renal infection accompanied by increased catabolism and vomiting can lead to a decrease in glomerular filtration rate suddenly.

Children with chronic renal failure should be monitored by a team of child efrologi capable of providing optimal care which comprises administering a special diet, the possibility of surgery and psychological preparation if it will be done dialysis or transplantation. Growth disturbance in chronic renal failure is a multifactorial problem, but with the provision that aggression dietary supplements in children with large, or by feeding through a nasogastric or gastrostomy in children 2 years of age first, can help prevent the occurrence of short stature in children who often seem to fail Chronic kidney.

To know the children with kidney disease, it is necessary to watch out for some of the symptoms that can be found in children. The first sign of kidney problems may be swollen in the eyelid, high blood pressure, red blood cell count is low (anaemia), or blood or protein in the urine. When doctors found a single one of these problems, further tests may be needed, including blood or urine test additional, or X-rays. In some cases, doctors may have to do a biopsy takes a small piece of the kidney for examination under a microscope. One disease that initially only showed swollen in the eyes of a child when I wake up in the morning Nephrotic syndrome is a disease that is one of the kidney disease that is often found in children, is a collection of clinical symptoms consisting of massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hypercholesterolemia and swollen.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease

Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease, are easily found all around us. Actually, to relieve the flu, you only need enough rest to recover your body. In addition, you also need nutritious food intake as well as a shower with warm water.

However, to speed up the recovery of flu, you can also consume herbal prescription drugs for flu, which has been proven to cure. There are 4 Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease, which is also at the same time relieve colds, fever, and headache.
Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease
Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease

Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease #1
10 pieces of betel leaf + stem turmeric 25 grams (cut into pieces), washed, then boiled these ingredients with 600cc of water until the remaining 300 cc. Strain the water and add honey or sugar cubes. drinking water 2-3 times. Every time you drink 100-150cc.

Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease #2
Provide powdered dried Andrographis paniculata leaf, then take 1-2 grams of powder and brewed with hot water, then add honey, stir, and drink after warm. Do it three times a day.

Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease #3
Provide a fresh Gynura Procumbens + 15 grams of Centella asiatica fresh, dry ingredients until clean, then blended + 150 cc boiled water, blended, filtered, water is taken 2 times a day.

Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease #4
10 grams of fresh ginger + 1 clove garlic, wash the material, then mashed, brewed using 200 cc of hot water, add the juice of 1/2 lemon and honey, then drink while warm. Do it three times a day.

Thus Herbal Recipes for Flu Disease that you can use and hopefully this herbal recipes beneficial for you.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Medicinal Plants - History and Clinical Tests

Medicinal Plants - History

Since prehistoric times, spices were originally used as food seasonings, but slowly is known to have a variety of benefits. Particularly spices have antimicrobial capability so as to preserve food. This method is expected to begin in the tropical regions where food can not be preserved because of climatic factors. In contrast to temperate regions have winter so that the food can be preserved in low temperature. The meat in general in various cultures spiced more than vegetables because meat is more easily damaged.
Medicinal Plants
Medicinal Plants - History and Clinical Tests

Various archaeological evidence found that humans use medicinal plants at least since the Paleolithic era, about 60 thousand years ago. However expected it to happen earlier, because primates are still alive today have used a variety of specific leaves to cure certain diseases. Collected plant samples from the site of prehistoric Neanderthal cave Shandiar in Iran discovered a large amount of pollen from eight species of plants, with seven of them are still in use today as an herbal treatment.

In written history, at least the studies on the herb leaves have been conducted since 5000 years ago in Sumeria, and written on clay tablets that lists hundreds of medicinal plants. In the year 1500 BC the ancient Egyptians wrote Eber Papyrus which contains more than 800 medicinal plants, including garlic and marijuana. In India, Ayurvedic medicine has used a variety of medicinal plants since 1900 BC. Emperor of China Shennong is said to have written at least 365 medicinal plants and their use, including marijuana and ephedra (which became the origin of the word name of the drug ephedrine). In Ancient Greece, at least the herbs have been studied since the 3rd century BC by Diocles of Carystus, but most contents similar to those found in Egypt.

Medicinal Plants - Clinical Tests

Various herb leaves have positive effects when tested in vitro, in animals, and small-scale clinical trials, but not as rare as some herbs have a negative effect.

In 2002, the National Institutes of Health began to fund clinical trials of the effectiveness of herbal medicines. Survey in 2010 to 1000 species of plants, 356 of which already have the results of clinical trials on pharmacological benefits. About 12 percent said "no significant benefit" although already available on the market. And according to Cancer Research UK, none of the herbal treatment clinically proven to prevent or treat cancer. A variety of herbal medicine experts criticized the study scientific towards herbal medicines because they do not incorporate the historical knowledge that can provide information about the optimal dose, species detail, harvesting time, and the target population of potential recipients.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Medicinal Plants and Herbs

Medicinal plants are plants that have been identified and are known by human observation has a compound useful for preventing and curing diseases, perform specific biological functions, to prevent attacks of insects and fungi. At least 12 thousand compounds have been isolated from a variety of medicinal plants in the world, but the number is only ten percent of the total amount of compounds that can be extracted from the whole plant medicinal.

Medicinal Plants
Medicinal Plants

The use of plants as medicine has been around since prehistoric times humans. In 2001, researchers have identified 122 compounds used in modern medicine is derived from plant compounds that have been used since prehistoric times. So many drugs available today is derived from the herbal medicine, such as aspirin made of willow wood, also digitalis, quinine, and opium.

WHO estimates that 80 percent of people in Asia and Africa utilizing herbal medicine for some aspect of health care. United States and Europe have less dependency, but showed an increasing trend since the effectiveness of some medicinal plants have been scientifically tested and publicized. In 2011, a total of medicinal plants are traded around the world reached a value of over 2.2 billion USD.

With the resources derived from plants, the biological richness of a country such as forests become important, and forest degradation threaten the existence of medicinal plant ever and is currently utilized by the indigenous inhabitants and the surrounding forest area. The biodiversity in forests important than as a means of conserving species of medicinal plants to humans, also can be a source of emergency medicine for rare animals in nature reserves. Useful plant needs to be identified and investigated further, and conservation experts or rangers need to be trained to use the medicinal plants. Knowledge of the use of medicinal plants in the forest can be extracted from the local community based on their experience handed down from generation to generation. Tribal Tugutil National Park Aketajawe Lolobata, Halmahera, have knowledge of at least 116 local plant species, with 71 species used as food plants and 45 species used as medicinal plants.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Symptoms of gastric organ

Gastric organ is one part of the digestive organs. If the gastric organ is sick, can lead to decreased appetite and other disease complications arise such as bloating, malnutrition, become weak, dizzy and others.
Several factors can cause gastric disorders:
a. Unhealthy food (contaminated with bacteria and fungi).
b. Irregular eating patterns, eating in a hurry.
c. Excessive consumption of food or deficiency.
d. Stress, the burden of thinking or psychosomatic.
e. Due to the side effects of chemical drugs or drugs.
Symptoms of gastric organ

Gastric disorders can be divided into two kinds:
a. Ulcer
b. Gastroenteritis
Patients with gastritis and stomach ulcers generally have low tensinya characteristic, frequent colds, has a tendency production of stomach acid (HCL) is excessive. One of excess stomach acid is much slem / mucus in the throat, so when coughing, slam / white viscous liquid will come out. Excess HCL can result in the onset of flu symptoms. To diagnosed, we must be careful, because the flu can also be caused by viral disorders.

Excess stomach acid, usually attacking ENT first before attacking the stomach. Consequences:
1. When the throat, strep throat will occur.
2. When on the nose, sinusitis will arise.
3. When the ear, there will be inflammation of the ear and hearing loss.

Gastric disorders usually characterized by body temperature will rise, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and headache.