Monday, December 28, 2015

Other Ingredients in Mango Helpful for Pregnant Women

This article is the third article in a series, of a series of articles on the benefits of mangoes for pregnant women and fetuses.

After we discuss the nutrients and vitamins contained in fruit mango, now we will discuss about the minerals copper, fiber, folate and potassium, calories, protein, and magnesium in the mango.

Mineral Copper
Did you know that pregnant women requires that contain copper intake during pregnancy. Although copper is needed in small quantities but has a very big role for pregnant women and fetuses. Benefits of copper found in mangoes are:
  • Copper become important resources for pregnant women, especially to encourage the production of red blood cells along with the benefits of iron and vitamin B. Lack of copper will cause a pregnant woman is tired and stressed.
  • Copper contained in mango fruit also helps in the formation of a wide variety of very important organ in the fetus such as the vascular system, bone formation system and the liver.
  • Mango benefits for pregnant women become very good intake to maintain health and bone system. Pregnant women have needs that are essential for bone intake because it would be beneficial to support the system and the strength of the body of the fetus during pregnancy.
  • Pregnant women usually require the production of higher blood than women who are not pregnant. This condition must be balanced with the amount of copper in the body so that the body remains healthy pregnant women.

Mango becomes a very pleasant meal for pregnant women. Mango flavour is sweet and slightly acidic digestion will help pregnant women get better. If you're on a diet during late pregnancy period then it could be a snack mango very useful because the fiber content. Here are the benefits of mangoes for pregnant women, because the fiber content.
  • Mango-containing fibers very well to help the digestive system of pregnant women, especially in times of the characteristics of those young pregnant. Pregnant women will face some different digestive conditions such as constipation and excessive hunger.
  • Mango consumption is also strongly recommended for pregnant women who experienced some problems with blood pressure, such as hypertension in pregnancy. The content of fiber in mango fruit is also beneficial to help normalize high blood pressure therefore reducing the risk pre-eclampsia in pregnant women.

Folate and Potassium
Mangoes also contain potassium and folate as in avocado benefits for pregnant women. Although it is found in small quantities, but also helps pregnant women to stay healthy throughout the pregnancy. Here are the benefits of potassium and folate found in mango fruit.
  • Potassium is found in mangoes has a very important role to help the blood pressure and heart rate system in pregnant women and fetuses.
  • Potassium is found in mango fruit is also important to keep the amount of electrolytes in the body of pregnant women are always balanced and in accordance with the needs of the body.
  • Potassium would make a pregnant woman's body becomes more comfortable, fatigue and avoid stomach or leg cramps.
  • Potassium also helps pregnant women to improve the nerve and muscle system.
  • The benefits of folic acid found in mangoes will help the fetus to avoid the risk of neural tube defects and helps in the production of red blood cells, the cardiovascular system and fetal proteins to DNA.

Calories are needed by pregnant women as a source of energy. Throughout the pregnancy, pregnant women should still perform a variety of activities, including work and other activities. Shortage of calorie intake will cause a pregnant woman's body becomes more weak and easily hurt. In addition, the calorie needs for pregnant women will be higher when the third trimester.

It is necessary to prepare for the birth, milk production and power source. So, the consumption of fruits like mango for pregnant women, it's important to be an important source of energy during pregnancy.

Proteins found in mangoes has a very important role to ensure that pregnant women stay healthy. Proteins found in mango benefits for pregnant women, have a role to become a source of energy and reduce excessive tiredness. This makes the mango fruit becomes very refreshing and makes the digestive system becomes better.

Pregnant women have a variety of needs and changes are very different from women who are not pregnant. Pregnant women need a higher intake of magnesium to relieve stress during pregnancy. Magnesium is found in mangoes is also important to keep the muscles to relax so that pregnant women do not get tired easily. Magnesium deficiency can cause pregnant women easily stressed due to fatigue and stress of hormonal changes.

Vitamin Contained In Mango

Vitamin Contained in Mango, a follow-up article of previous health article titled "Mango Benefits for Pregnant Women and Her Fetus".

Previously, we have discussed about the nutrients contained in fruit mango and benefits for pregnant women and her fetus. Now, we will discuss about the vitamins contained in fruit mango.

Vitamin A
Mango become one of the fruits rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A is one of the vitamins needed during pregnancy and nutritional intake of pregnant women were required from the start until the end of the first trimester. Lack of vitamin A would be very dangerous to the health of pregnant women and the fetus will be born. Here are the benefits of vitamin A found in mangoes.

  • Vitamin A is found in mangoes will make a pregnant woman's body becomes more robust. Vitamin A will work together with other nutrients to form immune system takes more in pregnant women.
  • Mango has a rich yellow colour with the carotene content. Carotene substances play a role in pregnancy, especially to prevent disease caused by the body of pregnant women are more susceptible to bacterial infections and germs.
  • Vitamin A in mangoes will also assist the body in maintaining eye health for pregnant women and fetal development.
  • Mango will also assist in the development and growth of the fetus because it contains vitamin A which is quite high.
  • Vitamin A mango also play a role in increasing the growth and health of internal organs in the fetus such as respiratory, neurological and motor nerve development and maintain the development of heart health.
  • Mango benefits for pregnant women deliver vitamin A which is important to keep the development of fetal organs such as the eyes, kidneys, lungs and bones.

Vitamin B6
In addition to the sweet taste and refreshing, mango also turned out to contain vitamin B6. Pregnant women and fetus in the womb of pregnant women in need of healthy foods containing vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 deficiency will cause a higher risk of defects in the fetus. Benefits of vitamin B6 in mango among others are:

  • Mango become a source of vitamin B6, which plays a role to improve cognitive function development in infants. Besides vitamin B6 is also important to keep the nerves of the fetus grow well and normal.
  • Pregnant women need vitamin B6 intake to keep the body healthy, keep your immune system, and helps in the formation of blood cells.
  • Pregnant women who eat a mango from the beginning of the trimester will have a lesser risk of nausea, vomiting and weakness that usually occur in the first trimester.
  • Vitamin B6 in mango fruit is also important to help the production of red blood cells, keeping the baby's developing nervous system and the developing nervous system.
  • Sufficient intake of vitamin B6 will prevent fetal or mental disabilities and disorders of the blood system. One of them can be satisfied with mango benefits for pregnant women this.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C has a very important role for the pregnancy and the fetus in the womb. Vitamin C into one of the antioxidant agents that make up the immune system and to prevent pregnant women from infection of bacteria and germs. Here are some benefits of mangoes are rich in vitamin C.

  • Vitamin C contained in mango fruit became one of the agents is important to resist and attack all substances or free radicals that harm the health of pregnant women and fetuses.
  • Vitamin C is found in mangoes become one of the substances that can prevent the causes of cancer in pregnant women and fetuses. The fetus is getting full intake of vitamin C during pregnancy have a small risk of developing cancer.
  • Mango will encourage the development and function of the central nervous system and cognitive abilities of infants.
  • Health fetuses get the intake of mango becomes higher and form gum health in the womb.
  • Vitamin C in the mango also helps pregnant women so that his body is able to absorb a variety of essential nutrients from other food sources, especially for how to cope with nausea during early pregnancy.
  • Mango encourage pregnant woman's body to be able to absorb the iron that is essential for fetal growth and health during pregnancy.
In the next article, we will discuss the other content of mangoes are beneficial for pregnant women and fetuses, namely Copper Minerals.