Thursday, November 17, 2011

Red onion Herbs for Fever in Children

Red onion (Allium cepa L.) plants are thought to originate from the region of Central Asia and Southeast Asia. Red onion flowers is a flower-shaped compound with 50-200 stemmed bunches of flowers. At the tip and base of the stems shrink and swell in the middle, shaped like a pipe with holes in it. Bunches of flower stalk is very long, taller than the leaves themselves and reach 30-50 cm. Including onion flowers are perfect flowers each flower are the stamens and anthers. Will the fruit is actually formed from three pieces of leaves called a carpel, which form three of space and in each room there are two candidate seed. The fruit is round with a blunt tip. Seeds slightly flattened shape. Onion seeds can be used as a generative plant propagation material.
Red onion Herbs for Fever in Children

Red onion contain vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and folic acid. In addition, red onions also contain calcium and iron. Shallots also contain natural plant growth regulators in the form of the hormone auxin and gibberellins. Other uses onion as traditional medicine, the onion is known as a drug because it contains antiseptic effect and compound alliin. The compound alliin by alliinase enzyme subsequently converted into pyruvic acid, ammonia, and as an anti microbe alliisin which is bactericidal.

The benefit for treating diseases such as:
- Cough
- Irregular menstruation
- Diabetes
- Helminthic
- Fever in children (topical)
- Abdominal bloating in children (topical)
- Able to prevent blood clotting
- Provide recovery opportunities in asthmatics
- Lowers blood pressure and fat levels in the blood
- Prevent the rise in blood sugar in people with diabetes mellitus

Cough: Prepare onion bulbs 4 grams, 4 grams of fresh leaf poko, leaf fresh Sembung 4 grams, fennel 2 grams and125 ml water. The trick with crushed, made infusions or pills and can be used once a day with a drink. Long treatment for 14 days.

Diabetes: Prepare onion bulbs (chopped) as much as 4 grams, bean (chopped) 15 grams, Syzygium polyanthum  (chopped) 10 pieces and 120 ml water. The trick is made intravenously and taken once 100 ml. Treatment 14 days old.

Fever: Stomach Bloating in Children: Bulbs Onion (thin slices) Coconut Oil to taste White Wood Oil Directions: knead. How to use: The oil is smeared on a bloated abdomen, whole body, legs, and hand in children with fever.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Red Bean Prevent Cholesterol

Red bean plants famous as a source of vegetable protein, because its role in efforts to improve nutrition is very important. In addition to the rich in protein, red bean are also a source of carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. The content of vitamin per 100 g of seeds is: Vitamin A 30 SI, thiamine / vitamin B1 0.5 mg, riboflavin / vitamin B2 0.2 mg, and 2.2 mg niacin.
Red Bean Prevent Cholesterol

Nutrient content in the red beans are very good for the health of the human body. Red bean prevent cholesterol, Dry red beans are a source of vegetable protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins B, folasin, thiamine, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Folasin are essential nutrients that can reduce the risk of damage to blood vessels.

Red bean contain fats and sodium is very low, almost free of saturated fat, and free cholesterol. In addition, red beans are also a good source of fiber. In 100 grams of dried red beans, can produce 4 grams of fiber which consists of water-soluble fiber and insoluble fiber water. Water-soluble fiber can significantly lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Efficacy of red bean, among others:
1. Prevent cholesterol and improving digestion (anti-constipation). High fiber content of fermented in the colon and produce fatty acids of short-chain, which may inhibit hepatic cholesterol synthesis.

2. Preventing the risk of diabetes because the content of complex carbohydrates and low glycemic index include sluggish digestion.

3. Helps maturation of red blood cells, helps the synthesis of DNA and RNA, as well as lower levels of homocysteine in the arteries (thus reducing the risk of heart disease).

4. Helping the diet because fiber will make you feel full and also very low calories. In addition, the vegetable protein content useful for the development of body muscle mass.

5. keeping the nervous system function, carbohydrate metabolism, and prevent the disease beriberi.

6. Helps metabolize amino acids, fatty acids, lipids, gluconeogenesis, synthesis of neurotransmitters, histamine synthesis, hemoglobin synthesis and function and maintaining healthy skin.

7. Assist the process of blood clotting in the wound.
To get the perfect efficacy of red beans, there are some things that need to be done in the process. After soaking, discard the soaking water red beans. Then boil the red beans in a covered pan for 3 minutes, and let stand for 2 hours so the juices settle. Replace the water bath with water boiled, and let stand overnight. The next day, red beans ready to be cooked into a delicious meal. This needs to be done to eliminate the ability of red beans to produce gas in the gut that will make the stomach feel bloated.