Thursday, November 26, 2015

Liver Disease Still Can Be Prevented, Perform From Now (Continued)

Once before, you know some of the conditions that can cause liver disease, here are other conditions that can also lead to liver disease.

Too much vitamin A
Ideal daily requirement of vitamin A is 700-900 micrograms for men and 600-700 micrograms for women. Too much vitamin A in the long run may be at risk for bone loss in old age. Overdose of vitamin A are also at risk of lead toxicity in the liver.

Non-sterile tattooing
Liver disease can be caused by hepatitis C infection that can be caused by using non-sterile tattooing equipment. The virus can be spread through direct contact with blood of an infected person.

Some types of antidepressants was found to harm the liver, although only consumed a few days. This condition is more dangerous in people who had already been impaired in his heart, especially in the elderly group.

Consumption of herbal supplements
The lure of the quality of herbal or natural supplements still does not ensure the safety of the products completely. Most herbal remedies, such as cascara, chaparral, comfrey, kava and ephedra, risk of harm to the liver. Some herbal supplements that claim to improve liver function have not been medically proven.

The good news, liver diseases can still be prevented by improving lifestyle, stop bad habits and replace them with more healthy habits such as:

  • Always maintain ideal body weight.
  • Use a condom during sexual intercourse.
  • Get immunizations to protect yourself from hepatitis B and A.
  • Wise in taking drugs by complying with dose. Consult your doctor if you want to consume herbal supplements along with free drug.
  • Avoid exposure to blood and body fluids of others.
  • Wear a mask, long sleeves and gloves, and make sure your room is ventilated when spraying cleaning fluid, insecticides, or fungicides. Perform the same precautions when using topical or spray paint and other hazardous chemicals.
  • Limiting consumption of liquor.
  • Eat more healthy and fresh food, such as fruits and vegetables. Avoid raw seafood.
  • Because it cannot be preceded by certain symptoms, consult a body to detect possible infected with hepatitis.
  • Based on research, the coffee in the levels of moderation can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Already sick liver will not be able to return healthy as before. Therefore, you can start protecting the liver to start a healthy lifestyle before it is too late.

Liver Disease Still Can Be Prevented, Perform From Now

Liver plays an important role keeping the body healthy by removing toxins from the body that enter with food and drinks. The liver produces bile that helps break down fat apart from food, is also capable of storing glucose that will support the provision of energy for the body.

Therefore, any form of interference affecting these organs can be at risk of disruptive discharge system toxins from the body. If not promptly treated, the risk ultimately bring life-threatening disease.

liver disease

Unfortunately, many day-to-day habits of humans at risk of causing disturbances in the liver. Began to pay attention to your diet from now and also look at the conditions that keep the risk as follows.

Too much consumption of sugar
Requires careful fructose, which is one type of sugar, to produce fat. But if eating too much refined sugar and artificial sweeteners from corn starch with a high fructose content, it can lead to a buildup of the risk of causing liver disease. This type of sugar commonly found in soda, candy, and sweet cakes. This risk can occur even in people who are not overweight though. The study found that the danger caused by the equivalent resulting from the consumption of liquor.

Being overweight can lead to accumulation of fat in liver cells which can lead to non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). In addition to being overweight, the disease is also the most risky befall those who have diabetes and middle age (around 40-60 years). If not dealt with, in the long term scarring that can harden replaces healthy tissue.

Monosodium Glutamate / MSG
Some research may call flavourings or MSG as a harmless substance, but other studies on animals found that MSG can cause irritation of the liver and can lead to liver cancer and non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). Although the effect has not been proven in humans, but it's good to limit consumption of MSG. In the product packaging, you can recognize MSG with other names, such as yeast extract (yeast extract), extracts of soy (soy extract), or hydrolyzed vegetable protein.

Tran’s Fats
The study found that the consumption of foods containing Tran’s fats can cause liver disease with scar tissue. These fats are found mainly in foods written on the packaging and package labels as partially hydrogenated vegetable oil or vegetable shortening.

Check out other conditions that can cause liver disease here.