Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Stop Obesity!

In addition to appearance is not good, the body is too fat too risky to invite the arrival of dangerous diseases.

Do not underestimate the weight problem. In addition to support the appearance, the ideal body weight is also good for health. It is important for us to keep the weight from getting too fat, especially for those in the family has a history of high blood pressure / hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol levels.

If there are family members who suffer from this disease, losing weight can reduce the risk of illness.

Agency overweight can cause a variety of health risks. These risks include:

Cause Sleep Disorders
Obese people tend to be more at risk of sleep disorders. Sleep apnea, a condition when people stop breathing several times during sleep and this is a serious disorder. These conditions make oxygen levels dropped dramatically, thus affecting the heart and blood vessels and increase the risk of diabetes and stroke.

Causing Disturbances on the Knees and Waist
Being overweight can increase the risk of osteoporosis. In addition, you are also at risk of back problems due to excessive load.

Increases the Risk of Chronic Diseases
People with a body too fat tend to be more at risk of developing several serious diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver, arthritis, and gall bladder disorders. Being overweight can affect the performance of the hormone insulin causes diabetes and increase the risk of heart disease. Excess fat interfere with the heart because it raises cholesterol deposits, increased blood pressure and clogged arteries. Besides excess fat makes the blood loses its ability to clot which can lead to stroke. In women, obesity can lead to irregular menstruation and infertility disorders. In the end, obese people have a shorter life risk compared with those who had normal weight.

Discrimination and Lack Confidence
Adolescents who are overweight tend to have psychological and social problems. They risk being teenagers who lack confidence and experience discrimination or bullying of friends around him.

Increased Risk of Cancer
In men, obesity can also lead to increased risk of various types of cancers such as esophageal adenocarcinoma, gall bladder cancer, kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, thyroid cancer, and colon cancer. While in women, obesity can increase the risk of kidney cancer, gallbladder cancer, adenocarcinoma of the esophagus, and uterine cancer.

There are many medical reasons for keeping the body is not too fat. Therefore, do not delay to maintain healthy body weight by implementing a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Know whether your weight has begun to excess with her doctor. With normal weight, the risk of disease will be decreased and the quality of life you can stay a maximum.

Monday, August 10, 2015

As Medicinal Herbs, What are the Benefits of Garlic for Health?

Medicinal Herbs - Garlic is well known not only as seasoning, but also believed efficacious for health. Various traditional herbs from ancient Egypt, India, to China, involving garlic as one of its main ingredients.

A number of studies have linked the consumption of a lot of garlic with a drop in blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and improve blood circulation and keep the risk of heart disease in relation as a Medicinal Herbs.

However, the benefits of garlic for health has not been proven to be 100 percent, so it still needed further research. However, some studies have found possible benefits such as the following.

Good for Heart and Guts

From experiments on rats, found that natural compounds from garlic oil may help protect the heart from damage after a heart attack. Diallyl trisulfida, the name of the substance, believed to be used as a treatment for heart failure.

The same compound is also potentially able to fight the bacteria that cause infection in the intestine. This makes garlic potentially be used as an antibiotic to reduce diseases caused by bacteria in the food or in the environment.

Preventing Cancer

One study found that eating raw garlic twice a week could potentially prevent lung cancer. Garlic consumption is also expected to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. This is one of the benefits of garlic as a medicinal herbs.

Additionally, organo-sulfur compounds in garlic are known to eradicate the cancer cells of the brain. Research reveals that garlic can be a natural remedy that works to inhibit cancer in the brain. However, it is still necessary as a more thorough experimental medical procedure.

Lowers Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Garlic extract allegedly capable of lowering blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Some findings of the study revealed that garlic can dilate blood vessels and relax smooth muscle.

Garlic is also alleged to afford slightly lowers cholesterol in the body, but it does not mean that garlic can be hypertension and cholesterol medications were effective because they require more extensive research.

Preventing Colds

Garlic is allegedly able to stimulate the immune system to fight the virus. Therefore, garlic may reduce the risk of colds. However, it is still a form of early findings. Thus, further research is still needed to determine whether garlic can be a supplement to prevent and treat colds.

If you intend to use garlic supplements for health purposes, you should ask your doctor first, especially if you have certain medical conditions. In addition, the properties of garlic can be maximized if consumed raw because cooking too ripe can destroy important ingredient.

So make use of garlic as a Medicinal Herbs for your illness.