Thursday, July 9, 2015

How to Cope with Abdominal Pain Left

After the previous article, you already know the cause of abdominal pain left. So, this time you will know how to cope with abdominal pain left.

Treatment abdominal pain left to be adjusted to the cause. Nothing could be handled by a simple style home care such as abdominal pain left caused by mild conditions. But there is also the need to be overcome by taking any medications that are sold freely on the market, or special treatment from a doctor if the cause include serious group.

Therefore, it is important to see a doctor if sustained abdominal pain, worsened or accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, vomiting and diarrhoea.
  • As an initial treatment, you can lessen the pain by doing simple things at home like below.
  • When attacking abdominal pain left, you better lie down and rest until the pain decreases.
  • Lying, you can also compress abdominal pain with a towel that has been soaked in warm water.
  • Expand consume water and drink slowly. Avoid filling your stomach with caffeinated or carbonated beverages, such as tea, coffee, or soda. Avoid alcoholic beverages.
  • Avoid taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen.
  • Avoid spicy foods and high fat in order to avoid the pain that is getting worse.

In these circumstances, although the daily activities also disrupted, but your stomach still need to be filled by food. Consumption of soft foods, such as rice, bananas, crackers, or bread. Try to consume in small amounts to avoid too heavy abdominal work.

Well, now you will be able to reduce abdominal pain left. To determine the cause of abdominal pain left, you can read in the article entitled "Causes of Abdominal Pain Left".

Monday, July 6, 2015

Causes of Abdominal Pain Left

Causes of Abdominal Pain Left - Everyone must have experienced stomach ache, but everyone is not necessarily suffered the same cause of abdominal pain. The cause of the difference is determined from the location of the pain. One was sick coming from the left side of the abdomen.

The cause of abdominal pain left are very diverse. Want to know what is causing you to feel stomach pain left?

our left abdomen divided into two, namely the top and bottom. These differences also affect the cause of the pain that you feel. Here are some of the causes of abdominal pain left upper and lower are classified as more serious.

Abdominal Pain Left

Cause of abdominal pain left upper:

Kidney infection.
Kidney stones.
Fecal impaction or hardened feces.
The large intestine is torn.
Gastritis or inflammation of the stomach lining.
Inflammation of the pancreas.
Heart attack.

Cause of abdominal pain left bottom:
Infection or kidney stones.
The large intestine is torn.
Crohn's disease.

Especially in women, abdominal pain left lower part can be caused by:
Ovarian cysts.
The pain of ovulation.
Infection of the fallopian tubes or / and ovaries.
Problems in the cervix.

The above conditions are a serious cause of stomach pain left. But there is also some mild conditions that cause you to feel stomach pain left, either at the top or bottom. Milder conditions such as colds, constipation, menstrual cramps due, food poisoning, or allergies.

Thus the article on Causes of Abdominal Pain Left. For how to solve it, you can read the article entitled How to Cope Left Abdominal Pain in the next post.