Monday, January 9, 2012

Herbs for Allergy

Herbs for allergy is the herbal medicine with herbal plants for allergy. Herbs are generally considered quite safe, and can be the best addition to the natural treatment of allergies. However, keep in mind that natural substances are contraindicated for some conditions and they can affect the way your body uses certain drugs.
Herbs for Allergy

Herbs for Allergy, including:
Potion herbs for Allergy 1
100 cc rice vinegar, 30 grams of ginger, brown sugar to taste in mashed. Boil ingredients with boiling water. Drink warm

Potion herbs for Allergy 2 (topical)
60 grams of Euphorbia hirta, 10 pieces of betel leaf. Wash all the ingredients, then boiled with 600 cc of water until boiling. Once cool, use it to wash the itchy skin rashes due to allergies

Potion herbs for Allergy 3 (topical)
25 grams of turmeric, 30 grams of fresh bitter. Wash thoroughly turmeric and bitter, puree. Apply on the skin is itching due to allergies

Tamarind Herbs for Fever, Eczema, Menstrual Pain

Tamarind tree (tamarindus indica Linn) are tree of  height reaches 15 meter. Leaves finned even, every year between the months of September- October the leaves change with the new whole. The flowers are yellow. The fruit is a pod.
Habitat: This plant grows wild in coastal areas. Lowland 100-300 meter above sea level.
Plant part used: fruit flesh; young leaves (sinom); bark.
Chemical Ingredients: Fruits contain vitamin A; sugars; cellulose; acids that are bound by potassium; tartrate; sugar invart; pectin.
Usefulness: Laksan; Analgesic; Diaforitik; Laxative
Simplesia Name: Pulp Tamarindori Cruda

Tamarind Herbs for Fever, Eczema, Menstrual Pain
Tamarind herbs for treatment:
Fever: Tamarind 2 segment thumb; 100 ml boiling water, brewed, drink1 a day 100 ml

Eczema: Tamarind 1 vertebra thumb; rhizome of ginger 4 pieces; 110 ml water, brewed, drink 1 a day 110 ml

Menstrual pain: Tamarind 1 vertebra thumb; turmeric 1 finger; 100 ml boiling water, brewed, Drunk in the morning and evening, every times drinks 100 ml.