Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Herbs for Skin Abscess

Skin abscess is an inflammation of the skin tissue in the form of bubbles or swelling containing pus. Usually, the abscess caused by bacterial infection. Abscesses that emit pus will recover quickly if kept dry. Abscesses can occur because of wound infections, or infections of the skin glands.
Herbs for Skin Abscess

Herbs treatment for skin abscess, among others:
Potion herbs for skin abscess 1
30 grams of fresh purslane, 30 grams of seeds jali, soak, Wash ingredients, boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 250 cc. Drink and eat while warm of jali.

Potion herbs for skin abscess 2
Pare leaves 15 grams, 25 grams of ginger, cut into pieces. Wash material, boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, then strain. Drink the water.

Potion herbs for skin abscess 3 (external use)
Bitter taste. Wash material, puree. Glue on the sick, and dressing. Replace 3-4 times a day.

Potion herbs for skin abscess 4 (external use)
Miana leaves to taste, turmeric to taste. Wash material, puree. Glue on the sick, and dressing. Replace 3-4 times a day.

Potion herbs for skin abscess 5 (external use)
Telang flower leaves and flowers in blue, red sugar to taste. Wash material, puree. Glue on the sick, and then dressing. Replace 3-4 times a day.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Herbs for epilepsy

Utilization of medicinal plants as herbs for epilepsy is one effort alternative for people with epilepsy in addition to medical treatment, because herbs for epilepsy is very cheap and affordable price. Besides economic, side effects of herbal ingredients is very small.

During treatment of patients with epilepsy should be avoided from a variety of nervous tension. In the event of an attack, loosen his clothing, especially the neck. Insert a damp cloth that has been on the roll between the two sides of the tongue with no teeth to bite when the attack took place. Try not to let people get fresh air and bask in the morning.

Herbs for epilepsy
Herbs for epilepsy include (select a recipe):
Potion herbs for epilepsy 1
30 grams of fresh root hia leaf, 15 grams of fresh ginger, 15 grams of chocolate fresh flowers, and palm sugar to taste. Wash all ingredients, boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, then strain. Drink 2 times a day.

Potion herbs for epilepsy 2
30 grams of fresh gotu kola (15 grams dry), 90 grams of leaf aloe vera, 15 grains of lotus seeds, and 10 dates angco. Wash all ingredients, boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, then strain. Drink 2 times a day and eat angco and lotus seeds.

Potion herbs for epilepsy 3
Lenglengan leaves 15 grams, 15 grams meniran, 10 grams bitter, and palm sugar to taste. Wash all ingredients, boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, then strain. Drink 2 times a day.